Ra More Days Off!
Unfortunately, I've drank a pint of beer from the barrel and I'm only doing this because I love everyone.
Jack, my deep dear friend, how are you? Have you been pinging me, Jack? Remember we have thoughts, Jack. You don't want to be in some of these thoughts. These thoughts could make you awful ill, Jack. I think this is called bad intentions.
I have to say sorry to Adolf because I got drunk twice when he came to visit me. This was a cheap get out for me. It's not fair when people try to come and see you and you get nervous and drunk. It's not right, Hotboy. It just isn't. So I'm sorry about that.
The other things I'm sorry about ... well, being a buddhist, we don't do guilt. We do acknowlegement and then walk on. Guilt is morbid. It's for hung over catholics.
After having another one, while still able to type and having miraculous visions, I'd like to apoligise to Adolf for almost everything.
Adolf is the master of the home brew. I had never seen such a thing as home brew until I happenstanced upon Adolf with these bottles of home brew. Of course, I wished to drink them all and there is this tension between Adolf who wishes to have the power of so much beer. And I have this massive desire to drink them all, one after the other, until the end...
Adolf was already there. He lived in a flat with the nicest joe, who does not survive for more than another ... dead at 38. Very nice joe.
So on his side there is the very nice joe and I bring with me the Poisonous, who is good value for me anyway ..... the Poisonous is immaculately dressed. .... and a nurse, possibly complete with the nurses uniform. Yes! She was! Of course, ra bliss is a bit cerebral. (Can't spell that either) What's as much fun as being young and having a wonderful estimation of yourself?
Also, ra bliss is ra bliss is ra bliss, by the way!
Tomorrow I may not feel so good. I would like to report right now that at this instant I feel ...you only get the hungover thoughts. They won the war. They write the history.
Anyway, if you look at the video, Adolf is struggling with a relentless drunk. What is the point of staying like that?
So the angels come in strange disguises. So Adolf has said: You've got to listen. So there was no listening. I should listen a bit more. I think Adolf is the internetty counsellor from the subtle dimensions. Non-ego intrusive. Never in your face. But like the wind in your sails ...