Monday, June 25, 2007

Ra new friend!

Monday 11:24 p.m.
I got an email from someone who wanted to be my friend. What a wonderful sentiment! I got a MySpace thingy so I could stalk this gorgeous writer (who was female. At least, that's normal!)and then somebody sends me an email saying they want to be my friend. Unfortunately, my normal username and password don't seem to work on this MySpace thing. My passwords are not a secret. I would be obliged if any of my putative Hut Management Team would deal with this and get back to me. I know you enjoy this kind of identity perversion. There is only one thing. You are allowed to pretend to be moi!

I wasn't anything like as hung over as I should have been today what with the six bottles of 6% alc/vol., but I was a wee bit underpar of course. Oddly enough, just slightly knocked off. The network is down. What a boring day! Then this very nice girl is standing and asking for my attention.

But she's standing there at the desk with her two pals, and they are having a wonderful time. You should stay forever young! She can't stop laughing. She's giggling at me. She says would I mind speaking to her for a while so she doesn't have to go back to her teacher? I say no way and bugger off. Three other gurls were falling off the seats laughing so much just a wee bit later. Neither stoned nor drunk, just totally exuberant.

Are you trying to tell me something here, Hotboy? No, Jack. Just don't get old.


Blogger ion said...

That intoxication on pure bravado and nothing else pharmacological is remembered, and I also saw it in the Big Wan last week, after he'd had 1.5 cans of lager at ra party. Apparently, if you just breathe correctly and watch your thoughts passing through, the same can happen to you and I!

11:37 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Ion: Well said. Couldn't agree more. Hotboy p.s. I've seen kids laughing so much they couldn't stand up. Their legs give way due to the hilarity. And it was always girls. They have to sit down then they roll over onto their sides. I've never done that!

8:25 PM  

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