Sunday, June 24, 2007

Ra Summation!

Sunday 22:34 p.m.
So, there you were in this big flat in Edinburgh, and there was no one else there. It's almost like being conjoined with the evil bourgeois. There were no other sentient beings there, Jack. Old people do this all the time. Be on their own.

After the several days of being on your own, have you reached any conclusions, Hotboy? Yes, Jack. You should not be on your own. You should sit beside the angels. They should perform adult sexual favours for you, and, they should find this amusing.

What if they do not want to perform these sexual favours on you, Hotboy, and they are not amused by this. Well, then they cannot be angels then, Jack.

After fighting off these diseases, tomorrow I shall return to the wherewithall. I don't need a gun. Or a knife. I'll just kill the fungers with my bare hands and send them off to Hades!

Was there anything good about the hours and hours of sitting quietly doing juju over these days since Wednesday, Hotboy? Even with the disease? I had it today, Jack. I knew I had it, but because I can't do the yamas (the way you are supposed to live!), well, there was no contentment ... though ra bliss was mighty!

If you do the yamas, you must engage with the wonderful stillness, and not have these idiotic, stupid, aggravating thoughts arising!

I'm far too old for this now, Jack. I want to go to the formeless zones, where there are no thoughts, and no forms, and no microwave ovens because in the formless zones there are no things, and no thoughts, and no aggravations.

Hotboy, go forth! Try to smile and be nice and helpful. There are some 12 year old spotty people, and they love you, Hotboy, so go out there and do your stuff! And be nice. And also dead cool.

Can you do ra bliss, Hotboy? Yes, Jack, I can. Can you get out of your face on air, Hotboy? Yes, I can, Jack. Well, get out there and try to be nice to the joes and josephines who canny do that then! What else are you supposed to do!


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