Ra hut or not?
Saturday 4:15 p.m.
They'll think you're mad if you try to spend most of the six weeks of your summer holiday in that rickety old hut, Hotboy. Who, Jack? The evil bourgeois and their progeny, Hotboy. Well, the too dumb to meditate, Jack, cannot do ra bliss, cannot get out of their faces on air, and as they twist and turn in the winds of chance, what awaits them, Jack? Yes, grief, sorrow, lamentations ... suffering in this life! Well, we certainly do not have to pay much attention to what the flatheids think.
It'll be able to sit for ages in the hut if you could get over the first couple of days. If you got through the first couple of days, you wouldn't want to do much else but sit in the hut. I know this from the week's I've spent down at the Samye Ling.
I'd like to sit in the hut and do the Medicine Buddha juju, known as the sadhana. The little problem I have is that I do not really know how to do the Medicine Buddha juju. There's a process here you should repeat and I don't know it. I can read through it in this book I've got, but I don't know it. I don't know the sanskrit mantras and I don't know the mudras. That's only the things that I know I don't know.
Anything else lacking, Hotboy? Well, Jack, it might have been handy if I'd had a word or two with the lama in order to discuss the order of doing things, what things you are supposed to do, and what not to do, and when. I think somebody is supposed to whisper the whispered intructions in your earhole. All I've got is stuff from a few books and a bit of guesswork.
And what is not lacking, Hotboy? I have had the empowerment to do this juju from probably one of the most prominent juju masters in Europe anyway, and I have a root guru in his wee brother, who has done at least twelve years in retreats perfecting this juju. The more I meditate, the more confidence I get in these joes.
The Domestic Bliss and the kiddo are off for a week from next Wednesday visiting various Mediterranean rat towns. Someone said why do you have to go to the hut when the flat is empty that week?
There's something funny starts happening with your mind after you've been on your tod meditating most of the time for a couple of days. I found this out during Christmas retreats in Purelands, the isolated bit away from the main Samye Ling monastery. Your visual field becomes a bit plasticy; the objects in it seeming to become a bit more malleable somehow. Your can project a bit. This is surely the beginning of being able to do the three dimensional visualisations which are the crowning glory perhaps of the skilfull means; method and wisdom conjoined.
Your mind is just never going to become that calm in a flat with a teevee, and a barrel of beer!
The only problem with the hut is that it is too near here! You need a hut in the wilds, or ...
I'd like to offer myself up as a hostage to a group of religious nutters, who are stupid enough to believe in stuff, but not competent enough to go out and get a real hostage. Here's the deal.
1) I get a warm hut and three meals a day of soup and bread.
2) They can put a webcam on me for 24 hour a day in case the levitations kick in half way through the gig.
3) I have no problem telling the camera that the Americans and the British crusaders should get out of Iraq, but I have to be allowed a new teeshirt ever week with a slogan on it.
1) Flatheids just don't get ra bliss!
2) Oh, ra bliss, ra bliss, ra bliss!
3) The mind game is the only game in town.
4) How can nothing exist outside your own mind?
5) It's all a lot of old photons!
6) Arising and abiding and declining in mind.
7) Can you, or can you not, do ra bliss?
8) Physical bliss and mental ecstasy.
9) Experiential mysticism is the game here.
10) What a fortunate creature I am!
11) Oh, what a fortunate, fortunate creature I am! What a fortunate creature I am!
That's too many teeshirts! I'll have to re-negotiate the deal.
I did not put in Fung Off Flatheids as a tee shrit because I am in such a good mood! I'm still in the Beer Monster Reduction Vehicle - what a brilliant training session I had! - and will shortly be soaking in the bath. Tonight the flat will be full of hopeless alcoholics, but I as ever will try to maintain the middle way. Hmmm? Off to do some more surfing on the oceans of bliss!
They'll think you're mad if you try to spend most of the six weeks of your summer holiday in that rickety old hut, Hotboy. Who, Jack? The evil bourgeois and their progeny, Hotboy. Well, the too dumb to meditate, Jack, cannot do ra bliss, cannot get out of their faces on air, and as they twist and turn in the winds of chance, what awaits them, Jack? Yes, grief, sorrow, lamentations ... suffering in this life! Well, we certainly do not have to pay much attention to what the flatheids think.
It'll be able to sit for ages in the hut if you could get over the first couple of days. If you got through the first couple of days, you wouldn't want to do much else but sit in the hut. I know this from the week's I've spent down at the Samye Ling.
I'd like to sit in the hut and do the Medicine Buddha juju, known as the sadhana. The little problem I have is that I do not really know how to do the Medicine Buddha juju. There's a process here you should repeat and I don't know it. I can read through it in this book I've got, but I don't know it. I don't know the sanskrit mantras and I don't know the mudras. That's only the things that I know I don't know.
Anything else lacking, Hotboy? Well, Jack, it might have been handy if I'd had a word or two with the lama in order to discuss the order of doing things, what things you are supposed to do, and what not to do, and when. I think somebody is supposed to whisper the whispered intructions in your earhole. All I've got is stuff from a few books and a bit of guesswork.
And what is not lacking, Hotboy? I have had the empowerment to do this juju from probably one of the most prominent juju masters in Europe anyway, and I have a root guru in his wee brother, who has done at least twelve years in retreats perfecting this juju. The more I meditate, the more confidence I get in these joes.
The Domestic Bliss and the kiddo are off for a week from next Wednesday visiting various Mediterranean rat towns. Someone said why do you have to go to the hut when the flat is empty that week?
There's something funny starts happening with your mind after you've been on your tod meditating most of the time for a couple of days. I found this out during Christmas retreats in Purelands, the isolated bit away from the main Samye Ling monastery. Your visual field becomes a bit plasticy; the objects in it seeming to become a bit more malleable somehow. Your can project a bit. This is surely the beginning of being able to do the three dimensional visualisations which are the crowning glory perhaps of the skilfull means; method and wisdom conjoined.
Your mind is just never going to become that calm in a flat with a teevee, and a barrel of beer!
The only problem with the hut is that it is too near here! You need a hut in the wilds, or ...
I'd like to offer myself up as a hostage to a group of religious nutters, who are stupid enough to believe in stuff, but not competent enough to go out and get a real hostage. Here's the deal.
1) I get a warm hut and three meals a day of soup and bread.
2) They can put a webcam on me for 24 hour a day in case the levitations kick in half way through the gig.
3) I have no problem telling the camera that the Americans and the British crusaders should get out of Iraq, but I have to be allowed a new teeshirt ever week with a slogan on it.
1) Flatheids just don't get ra bliss!
2) Oh, ra bliss, ra bliss, ra bliss!
3) The mind game is the only game in town.
4) How can nothing exist outside your own mind?
5) It's all a lot of old photons!
6) Arising and abiding and declining in mind.
7) Can you, or can you not, do ra bliss?
8) Physical bliss and mental ecstasy.
9) Experiential mysticism is the game here.
10) What a fortunate creature I am!
11) Oh, what a fortunate, fortunate creature I am! What a fortunate creature I am!
That's too many teeshirts! I'll have to re-negotiate the deal.
I did not put in Fung Off Flatheids as a tee shrit because I am in such a good mood! I'm still in the Beer Monster Reduction Vehicle - what a brilliant training session I had! - and will shortly be soaking in the bath. Tonight the flat will be full of hopeless alcoholics, but I as ever will try to maintain the middle way. Hmmm? Off to do some more surfing on the oceans of bliss!
Re the problem with the hut being too near the flat - take the long way home. Supertramp to the rescue once more.
Number 11 is a bargain, 3 T-shirts in one.
Well, how did you go with maintaining the middle way amongst the flatheid drunkards?
PS - this might help your flatheid problem.
Albert! The fabuloso arrived, maintained and then dissipated. How fortunate to have such fortunate creatures surrounding one! Hotboy
Maybe build a hut in the lobby?
I assume that "tod" means alone. i need to get code breaking machine to read your blog.
Well I know a little about "being on your tod" this weekend.
Toyo: You should learn Scottish insults. Nobody will take offence! e.g. Jist lookin' at you, hen, is enough tae gie anybody ra dry boke!Hotboy.
Ion: I suspect someone around here might object to that! Hotboy
The solution to flatmate's objections - build the hut in the lobby, but do it in your mind, where everything exists anyway. Problem solved!
Your blog never fails to cheer me up and put a stupid grin on my face. Great post!
Your mind is just never going to become that calm in a flat with a teevee, and a barrel of beer!
Exactly! I wish I was better disciplined to avoid sources of distraction. The computer is the worst for me!
And I'd buy any / all of those t-shirts :)
Somebody! Glad you enjoy bits of the bloggy. Couldn't get your livejournal space for a bit, but the link worked from here. I've never watched the Sopranos. I think I'll have to get the back catalogue! The teeshirts will be available in all good clothes shops once I get an hut manager! Hotboy
Did RaBlissShoppe go bust after i broke Mischa's heart? Sorry.
Albert! Failure to attract the right candidate for the hut management position doomed all enterprises! Hotboy
Hotboy--I enjoy all of the blog, not just "bits" of it ;)
The Sopranos is a great show, IMO, but not everyone's cup of tea. Given what you've said about having developed a distaste for seeing people indulge in negative emotions onscreen in drama... I have to say that Tony Soprano isn't exactly the calmest character ever created ;) But there is a lot of interesting symbolic / philosophical stuff, and a lot of social commentary, that goes on in the show that makes it about more than just mob guys and guns.
And you could just get some iron-on letters or a marker and make up some shirts yourself ;)
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