Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Ra Chair

Wednesday 1:15 p.m.
How could it get any better than this? I have no difficult diseases. My injuries have healed and I can probably run and jump tomorrow if I want to. I am on holiday till next Monday. I have made no arrangements to meet any flatheids. The springtime has come. My meditations are going just absolutely brilliantly. This is surely the best of times!

Talking about setting up a new religion for bloggyland... We embrace our ignorance. We do not believe in any things. Especially thoughts....10 percent off the top, please.

So there's a chair. What do you know about that? Quite a lot really. You could describe it, draw it, measure it in such a way that other joes could make you a replica.

You open your eyes and there's a chair. It's in your sensory fields. Information, mainly through your eyes, goes into your brain and you can work out that it's a chair. Due to experience with chairs before, you know you can sit on it. Maybe you don't like it, or maybe you do.

You open your eyes and there's a chair. What comes first? The mind or the chair? What arises simultaneously?

Your view of the chair is partial, dependent on your eyes, brain, and experience. You know that you could view the chair some other way if you had different senses. If you could see a bit better, you might say that the chair was composed of molecules. If you could see a bit better than that, you might say the chair was mainly space, or whatever. What about all the sub-atomic theories? What about all the theories about matter which no one's had time to come up with yet?

You might say that your knowledge of the chair is finite, but your ignorance of the chair is probably infinite. There are so many things about the chair that we do not know.

Emptiness is form and form is emptiness. This is all very well, but I have to go to my hut now and try to cope with some extraordinary and amazingly astounding doses of ra bliss. I may not be able to consider the emptiness this afternoon due to having my head stuck unbudgeably in ra bliss. Oh, what a fortunate, fortunate creature I am!


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Very informative, I think, yet funny. If you can extend this to a book, we're onto a winner. I might even become your agent again, now the pantaclava agency is ticking over nicely.

2:37 AM  
Blogger zomba said...

I say!

Why don't you use this site to publish your book yourself?


3:45 PM  
Blogger zomba said...

I say!

This chap has published his book in a blog, and you can read it from the beginning, get a different bit every day, or purchase the book itself.


4:24 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Mingin'! I'm far too busy trying to emanate as a deity to find the time for stuff like that. Anyway, I don't need more things to do, I need more money. Any cannibals out your way? Tell them about the homeopathic Hotboy soup! You'll clean up!
Adolf! Zeig! I need a hierarchy of agents to firewall me against doing anything. Would you work under Mingin? He knows you know. Hotboy

5:24 PM  
Blogger zomba said...

I say Hotboy!

This video is definitely you, is it not? Clearly, you are raising inner heat!


8:50 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Mingin'! Thanks for the video contacts. But my machine cannot operate them. There are no nine year olds here to ask what's the matter. Hotboy

10:40 PM  

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