Thursday, April 20, 2006

Ra Dentist!

Thursday 4:15 p.m.
Whilst waiting for my face to thaw out!

Doing the juju in the lobby all morning till Shiva came to visit me. See? Do deity yoga and deities appear! You can't call Shiva a flatheid since he is a hindu god. Just none of ra bliss.

The city was wet as I looked out at all the people from the bus on the way to the dentist. No smiley, happy, open-faced basturns there at all. Girning into the weather. Nobody gets ra bliss. It's obvious. The poor flatheids!

Once due to the filthy communist swine, dental treatment in Scotland was more or less free. It was crap, but free. Now, it's still crap, but costs an arm and a leg. Since the bank already has my arm, the dentist might have to struggle with the cannibals for my leg. Maybe I could sell portions. Yes, make soup! Millions of cannibals could join in. Make millions of gallons. Homeopathic soup for cannibals. I could just dip my toe into cold water before it got boiled. My Narcissistic Personality Syndrome ambitions will then be possible.

Of course, God's a communist and it's against God's law to deprive folk of their teeth just because they can't pay. This is clear when the preacher hollers that on the day of Judgement there will be a weeping and gnashing of teeth. What if you haven't got any teeth? Teeth will be provided. Free beer for the workers!


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

I've been waiting 20 years for my face to thaw out.

The UnHeard Of dentists are the best in the world. That's according to the UnHeard Of dentists, so it'll be true. They're certainly the best-paid in the world, except perhaps the Americans. They all have yachts moored outside their waterside homes. I'm saving up for my 10th or 11th root canal job.

PS I've been there so often, I can get the bliss (i.e. fall asleep) in the dentist's chair with the drill in my mouth. Beat that.

4:21 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Though I cannot afford to pay for my teeth (but still do!), there isn't any way I could possibly do some jobbie like that. You'd have to believe in things, and think of stuff, and try really hard to be normal .. a flatheid .. but we need dentists! So fair play to the rich dentists. I wouldn't do that for ten times the money. I just want to hide in the woods ... with a dentist! Hotboy

1:57 AM  
Blogger Lee Ann said...

Oh, I don't like going to the dentist.
The cannibal soup reminds me of a movie... Fried Green Tomatoes. Have you ever seen it?
Long story, but one of the characters was an abusive husband and was simply a mean person. He beat his wife terribly. The wife's best friend~Iggy, took her away from him and swore she would get him for hurting her friend.
Anyhow, the man came up missing. No one could find him.
Iggy, the girl that rescued her friend, owned a restaurant.
She fed the police that came around looking for the man.
The police raved about the barbeque.
Iggy just smiled and said "The secret is in the sauce".

5:29 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Lee Ann: Never did see that movie. Good idea though. I'm a vegetarian, but I don't think that means not eating people, just animals! Hotboy

1:07 PM  

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