Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Ra Tulku Again!

I seem to have lost the post I did last night. Oh, well!

The talk Ringu Tulku gave last night was superb. What a great time I had! Although I've been doing vajrayana meditations for a while now, I know bugger all about the vajrayana, except what I've read in books. The talk was called Creation and Completion Part 1. That sounds a bit like something from the vajrayana, but I didn't really expect to hear a tulku giving a public talk on the vajrayana in the middle of Edinburgh. But that's just what he did!

So I'm trying to concentrate like mad on everything he's saying and the edges on his shape are going that photie negative way things go when you're into a bit of meditation. Sometimes I was trying to be in the mandala. What a great time I was having!

I really cannot think of anything more appropriate for me to be doing at this time than go to a talk by this guy! I couldn't have been helped more or been more impressed.

He cleared up a problem I'd had about gurus. He said he had plenty of teachers, but never did anything they said. There is an idea that you should look on your teacher as a buddha. If you think of him as a buddha, you get the blessings from a buddha. If you think of him as a donkey, you get the blessings from a donkey, kind of thing. But this attitude to the guru has been a big problem for some people. And if your source of refuge is not pure, this could .... He said don't force it. You confidence in the joe/josephine will increase as you get on in the juju. The teaching is the important bit, not the teacher.

He talked about degrees of enlightenment which was fascinating. He talked about what was essential and what wasn't. This was particularly good for me because I try to strip the juju to the bare minimum. I don't know any chants or prayers (apart from two mantras!) and I don't know Tibetan either.

I felt totally inspired by this talk. I'm supposed to be going to the Traverse Theatre tonight, but Part 2 is on. No contest really. If you get a chance to hear this guy, don't miss it. An exceptional joe!

6:40 p.m.
Just finished an exceptionally good meditation. Heat and ra bliss. It's got better again! Most appropriate since I'm about to get ready to go and see the Ringu Tulku once more. What a fortunate creature I am!

Wednesday morning.

Lost the post I did last night as well! What's going on?

Resume: The tulku read out a text in Tibetan, called Creation and Completion. This is apparently an oral transmission. Then he just took questions.

Ris is RaBlissBlog! Could you talk a bit about ra bliss and ra heat?

Hotboy, ra bliss and ra heat are really side effects. The main thing is to get the mind into the central channel and experience ...primordial awareness. This he says is a state of ... he's searching for the word .... non-dichotomous, says the woman who'd done the three year retreat. Non-dichotomous, he says. Non conceptual awareness. This is very, very nice, he says. Pause. Smiles.

I've been off the scale with very, very nice. This must be very, very nicer!

That's two posts lost in a row. It's enough to make you think twice!

Wednesday 1:30 p.m.
Yahoo! Off work again!

I had a wee chat with the Tulku later. He said opening the channels isn't too difficult, but the problem might occur in not being able to close them, or control the energy. He said you must go through the stages of the practice. That's what I wanted to hear. Now, that I seem to be getting the juju to work, I'll have to go back and re-read the books.

Outside, it is hot and sunny. I'm going up to my hut to start the new novel by the sensei and reverend. This will be a treat!


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Yes, one of the nice things about getting older is you can't be bothered wasting time doing things you don't want to be doing. Like going to the Traverse when the Tibetan guy is on again.

Or like going to a funeral last Friday then a wedding on the Saturday. Obviously funerals are fractionally preferable to weddings cos you don't have to fake affability.

Any word of a funeral at your end?

1:04 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil! A funeral? No, no, no! But on second thoughts I told your mother I wasn't about to marry a flatheid even if it meant getting a baby Hotboy. This upset her a bit since she thought that's when I'd let her out of the hut. But I've told her the wedding will go ahead as soon as she's gets down to ra bliss.That seems fair to me. Hotboy

6:51 PM  
Blogger Lee Ann said...

I am confused...but I want to say HI!

word verification: vfuuk
UH! Aw woo woo!

7:12 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Hi to you too,Lee Ann!
Beesucker: I told my root guru (whom I never see!) that I wasn't really interested in the ritual (I was brought up a catholic), but wanted to do the meditations. Ringu Tulku seems to be known as the Lazy Lama, likes it stripped down, easy, doesn't take much time and effective. Of course, he said it better than that. He said the gong bashing, etc., was effective in a way, etc., but you don't need it. I assume the boy has the same idea as me. Or I have the same idea as him i.e. the juju has to come from Tibet, but the whole culture isn't going to transfer since we are not Tibetans. The periferals are good, but let's cut to the chase. As someone who knows about Zen, that might appeal to you. He told a story about this boy who went to this convocation of lamas. He didn't wear robes much, etc. He was passed from joe to joe and eventually was told to work painting tormas (whatever they are!). There is an intricate complex painting pattern maybe. So the torma boss leaves him and then when he comes back gets totally furious because the boy has just painted them all red. A huge earbashing occurs and the boy who's the head bummer at this event hears the commotion and goes into the tent. The boy getting lambasted is his guru. Maybe everybody is a wee bit embarrassed here. The head bummer said they now had a new tradition. Maybe some folk seem a wee bit hide bound?
You must know more stuff than me because I try to get too blissed to be buggered, so it's nice that you can be bothered to drop by. Hotboy

10:46 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Lee Ann: Don't be confused! What's confusing? robmcj seems to be a dog. I find that a bit confusing! Hotboy

10:48 PM  

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