Friday, May 26, 2006

Ra War

Friday 5:13 p.m.
I was going to meditate all yesterday evening, but the kid showed up and we got out a DVD instead. German movie, called Sophia Scholl. It's about a heroic 18 year old who tried to resist the Nazis by leafletting other students about how daft the Nazis were. They caught her and her pals and tried then, and chopped off their heads the same day.

Did they chop their heads off? I didn't know they used guillotines in Bavaria. I assume it wasn't done that way in the film because it was cheaper since it's based on a true story.

The woman who took down Adolf's last will and testament mentioned this Sophia Scholl as an indication that people could have done something.... but it looked like doing something meant you almost certainly got your head chopped off.

AJP Taylor, the British historian, was asked to write a book for the allies at the end of the war to help them understand what to do with the Germans. Maybe he was a wee bit bitter since the war was still going on. But he said there were always good Germans and bad Germans. It's just that you have to ignore the historical effect of the good Germans because the bad Germans always chopped their heads off.

Just a little reminiscent of the SS boy telling his chums about how to deal with the notion of the one good Jew they knew .... well, you had to put that out of your mind because ... well, the big picture.

My mother today wasn't interested in hearing about the Sophia Scholl movie. She doesn't like all these programmes about Hitler. She said she was twenty one in Bellshill with three wee kids and her man in the army. A bomb hit Nelson's factory across the road and her neighbours came battering on her door to help her take her three kids down to the air raid shelter. A man called Burgy Brown was killed by a bomb hitting a canteen down the North Road.

My maw said we nearly got beaten. She had three shillings put aside for gassing her and her kids if the Nazis were to come marching down the Holytown Road.

Thank God the Germans don't go murdering folk all over the shop anymore! I don't think anyone has dropped bombs on Bellshill since the Second World War. I suppose somewhere in Iraq just now there will be a twenty one year old woman with three kids ... boom! No there isn't any more! We, of course, live in a democrasy. Nobody I know wanted to invade Iraq. Nobody. Hard to see how you can stop them doing stuff like that.


Blogger Lee Ann said...

I love ya hotboy! But, now I know why I don't understand what you write sometimes. haha
I heard the video interview of you and Rob, now it all makes sense to me. I adore your accent, I do need subtitles though! ;)
Have a wonderful weekend.

8:54 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Same to you, Lee Ann!

12:36 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

LA - could you please explain it to me?

HB - a post so sombre that I can't think of anything loopy to say. But I've sent a copy to the old dear, and told her you'll be there this Thursday.

12:05 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

HB - can't fault your humanitarian thoughts. No-one who has been on the receiving end of weaponry would ever try to justify war. Ask my mother on Thursday.

And Blair was wrong. And whether he knew it or not would have made no difference to his actions.

But an afterthought. Isn't the idea of representative democracy that you elect them for a term, then let them get on with it? Come election time, you bounce them and let someone else have a go.

One alternative is to have several hundred referenda per year, like the popular initiatives in California. Leaving aside the argument over whether the masses are to be trusted to run a country, one result is that legislators are sidelined by pressure groups which in turn are manipulated by big business. Also, executives get blamed for the disastrous outcomes of policies foisted on them by the people.

On the plus side, I daresay that a nation that voted to go to war (could that ever happen?) would be sending a strong signal of resolve to the intended attackee.


PS - where's the bliss?

4:23 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Zeig! Quite right about representative democrasy. Idea from Burke, I think. Anyway, quite right about ra bliss as well. Stick to ra bliss, Hotboy! Stick to ra bliss! It's bound to help! Hotboy

3:06 PM  

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