Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Ra Stats.

Since I started blogging a year and about four months ago, I've wasted a lot of time on the computer! One of the most enjoyable ways of wasting time is to look at statistics for your web page. I put at statscounter thingy on my web page about a month ago. Previous to this I'd wasted hours and hours looking at Blogpatrol stats for this blog, but they stopped letting me in for some reason. Anyway, here's a problem which you smart folk might know the answer to.

According to Statscounter, my webpage, not this blog, received 31 hits this last week. I set up the page to help attract a literary agent and, to that extent, it's been completely useless of course. But when I set it up, I thought it might get a hit a week. I've no idea how folk find things, but sometimes folk arrive at my webpage from the mindlikewater site or from wisdomEbooks. Otherwise, you can't seem to tell.

However, Geocities keeps statistics for it's sites and, according to them, last week the site got not 31, but 11 visits. How odd!

I think six folk visited the site yesterday (not according to Geocities they didn't!). One was from Malaya; one from India; and one from Tanzania. There are six novels on the site and you think that's pretty useless for the developed world since it's hard to read from the screen sometimes and we've got plenty of good books available. But they haven't got tons of books everywhere. One of the folk from the third world was on the site for three hours. Or were they? Not according to Geocities they weren't!

Good news on the new book front. There aint so long to go! In this re-write, I've only got three chapters left. There's more to do on these, but how long is that going to take me? If I wasn't meditating 30 odd hours a week ..... surely, this book will be finished by the end of the summer. That'll be great. A whole new vista! I can relax. I can make decisions about my life. I'll probably start writing another book, but .... it'll be great just to be finished something new again!


Blogger Lee Ann said...

It is always good when you can relax and make decisions about your life.
I hope you do finish your book this summer.

9:34 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

I hope so too, Lee Ann! Now, it seems a bit ambitious, but I'll be nearly there. Hotboy

10:41 PM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

I know what you mean, I enjoy completing a project too. Like today, I'll be filling about 70 bottles with stout. After that I I'll have earned a rest. Maybe put my feet up with a bottle.

About the stats. Maybe Statcounter is counting "pings" too (where someone or something just checks to see if your address exists).

Does that help? I sometimes have similar things happening at my place, but I'm usually to blissed to worry about it.

3:28 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

I would be in so much trouble if I added a stats counter! I would never get anything done.

4:44 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Hi Utopia! Quickly checked your blog. See you're another writer. I'll get back to your blog soon! Hotboy

10:11 AM  

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