Thursday 10:50 a.m.
This is clearly on present showing going to be a very wonderful day for ra bliss. It may be that there has never been a better day for bliss than this. Disappointed early doors to be posting half pissed last night, but I'm over it.
Say you've got your eyes closed. There is a space. Things happen in this space. It has changing characteristics. Inflate the space. Sometimes it seems to inflate itself. It seems to get a lot bigger. Stick in some light. Stick in ra bliss. Take away all the thoughts. (You might have trouble with that bit if you're a flatheid!). Stick in peace. Contentment. That's just about perfect.
When you're at that bit, you can see why you don't do the breaths. It seems an unnecessary activity and far too much bother.
Let's pretend that's the dharmakaya, the essence of thought, the absolute.
Put a vase breath in there and you have a very dynamic situation. The drums are beating and the gongs are bashing. Your bliss has liquified. It's a moon shot! Whoosh!
Inflation. Expansion. The space in front of your eyes goes way out. It's like a balloon. Circular. And it expands. You might have lost the sense of your body entirely. You've no arms or legs. Just ra bliss.
So I'm sorry if you don't meditate! What a waste! What a shame!
I've decided to become the agent of the boy with the page:
John McKenzie's Wonderful Writings! Since I mentioned this page a couple of days ago, it's google reference is back. It's still getting nine or ten hits a week. God knows why or wherefrom. Back to the lobby!
9:50 p.m.
Horizon is on. It's a tv show. The best tv show I ever saw was the Horizon programme about string theory. Branes. Multiple universes. Tonight they were doing Intelligent Design.
Some things you try to ignore. It is better not to watch the tv or read papers. It is better to sit under the tree and say you don't fung know.
There are two gods. One is outside the machine. He is known as ex machina. He is a Greek dude. They just look down. You can see him sometimes. The Book of Revelations is all about having a look at a joe like that. One of the best books I ever read was the Autobiography of Cellini (probably not called that. Might not have been called Cellini). This is the Renaissance Man. Once he's in the dungeon. He has an epiphany. He sees the woiks. God, thrones, angels, the woiks. Do I disbelieve this? No! This is a contemplative mystical experience. It's out there. You view it out there.
The other god is in everything. It's the pantheistic god. I know that. I've seen that one. It's the kundalini god. It's the non-self and emptiness, oneness joe. You are not contemplating any dudes on thrones, or angels. I believe in this god because I have seen it. I also believe in what Cellini saw because he doesn't need to tell me lies about this. There is no point.
There's a lot of stress, humiliation, etc in being stuck in a dungeon. Maybe when your ego is getting a bit of a going over, you are suseptible to this kind of revelation.
I saw one, but I didn't see the other one. There was no stress involved in the one I saw, except being straight for four or so months.
Intelligent Design. It's smart. The trouble with Darwin is that you cannot see the links. This is because you are an idiot. Instead of embracing your ignorance, the intelligent designers think they know something. In fact, they think they are intelligent.
The trouble with really stupid people, like the intelligent designers, is that they are not stupid. Of course, they are flatheids, but Einstein was a flatheid, so being a flatheid isn't anything to do with being stupid. They are malicious because they are not honest. They are dishonest. They are unfortunately Americans. Americans run the world. The President says you should teach both. Really?
The people you hang about with are very important. You should hope if you have kids that they grow up thinking you're an idiot and then they go and do the acid, or whatever it is you don't like.
So I was doing the acid with the Poisonous when I was about nineteen or twenty. It's the worst place. I told myself I'd never drop acid in that place. White walls. Well decorated, but white walls. Also, some really horrible company. That does include me. So I gives Poisonous the Thomas Aquinas argument about God, which is a first cause. Everything causes something. So you get down to God. Poisonous pointed out that the answer to the ultimate question about causality is not God, but that we don't know. I've wrote about this before. The Buddha and the Big Bad Wolf. "If you want to call, don't know, God, that's up to you, but the answer is you don't know." I might have helped a wee bit there, but that was more or less it. Goodbye, god. Hello, worshipping. Goodbye god doesn't mean that worshipping isn't a useful psychological support.
Lyndon Johnson said: "I don't want to hear any more about this coup shit!" This fits with Scottish people. They voted Hamas. Why are they so stupid? Did they not go to school? Are they Americans? We remember the buddhists setting themselves on fire. Because the democrasy joes wouldn't allow them elections because they'd all vote for Uncle Ho. I saw Uncle Ho in a video doing Tai Chi. The villagers (i.e. the stupid people) thought he was a buddha. Well, was he? Can you hear the words in your head. HO! HO! HO CHI MIHN!
So he's a nice man, George Bush. He's representative. I'm not smart, but they're thick. Rich, thick, stupid basturns.
Of course, we shouldn't drink beer or watch the telly. The whole samsaric thing justs drags you out and fungs you up.