Thursday, January 26, 2006

Rem Jackbooties!

Wednesday. Midnight.
Interesting moments of ra bliss. After work, I ... then I lay down on the floor and pulled my towel...

The Domestic Bliss bought me a towel in Australia. It has dolphins on it. Are they Australian? So I was falling asleep in the meditations in the lobby and lay down with the dolphin towel over me.

Would you like to buy the towel? Washed once since purchased in 1990. Sat on throughout.

Then I took the towel into the living room and lay on the couch, with the towel over me and the other wee cover there. Still, not secure in the heat. But I wondered if I could do ra bliss like that. Yes! It came on. Then the kiddo came in and arrived home. What a sweetie! But to pursue ra bliss ...After twenty odd years of doing this juju in one way or other, what I have to say to you flatheids is that you don't know. I don't know either, but I still know more than a flatheid. Pity I don't know what I know.

In the cave on the Unheard of Island you can hear the wind outside and sometimes it feels awful lonely inside. There's noboby here, Jack. Just me and Jack and ra bliss. Then annoyance. Say you closed you eyes and what have you got there, Jackieboy? A view. Dearie me. The view can become different. You can change the view, for sure. Is your view okay? Could you change it if you wanted to? Do you believe it? This is RaBlissBlog bringing you confusion, chaos and aggravation. Remember you get infected here.


Blogger concerned citizen said...

i'M Sorry, but, I don't get it, Ra Bliss? Laying on a couch w/a towel? To be polite, 'What the hay?' Come to my blog, 'The world of L. tart' & explain.

6:27 AM  

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