I was looking at the
Samye Ling site and the photie of the lama had disappeared from the front page. Then another one appeared. The original photie is in with the
more pictures, second from the left. The blown up version of this photie doesn't look half as good as the one I have on my room wall. It's the same photie.
I sometimes fix my gaze on this photie and it might stay there for quite a while. Funny things happen in your visual field. I don't suppose this has anything to do with the meditation. I think it just happens when you fix your eyes on something and just keep them there. Nobody does that so they don't notice.
Sometimes everything starts to look like a photographic negative, or you get kind of highlights round the edges of things. If you were looking at a leaf on a bush in your allotment, the perspectives kind of foreshorten and things might blur almost everywhere. The leaf you were looking at might even have disappeared in ra blur.
I mean, what's the point of all that? I been meditating mostly with eyes open these days since the DL says you should, but I still have more fun when they're shut. You're supposed to emanate as a deity, I think, with your eyes open. No funnty hats or other props, I think. No busking it.
Wouldn't you love to be able to do that though? You're supposed to have vajra pride. I think that's just being chuffed at being a deity. Well, you would be. Radiant as well. At last, the Acid King! I can do anything! Maybe a bit too heavy on the vajra pride there. Back to the photie.
The photie changes as you gaze at it. Sometimes it seems happier than at other times. It's been beaming all weekend. There's a guy called Robbie Williams on the telly. He's been brought up a tim. His maw has given him some holy pictures which are placed around his bed. He's a famous pop star. He probably did a lot of naughty things. He said when he's done anything he shouldn't the photies seemed to, well, kind of frown. You've got St Francis looking mildly disapproving. But that's what happens. The photies are staying more or less the same of course. I assume. You're projecting something then. At least, you're perceiving it differently .... because something has changed in you. I couldn't tell you why the one up in the room has been beaming all weekend.
When you turn your back, the photies wave at you, you know. Sometimes make rude hand gestures.
Michi Regier is not an alien being after all. I thought it might be an anagram. |Brian Wilson sends comments to this blog using anagrams for peoples private parts. Michi has a great
website which I'm going to visit after I finish this.
Michi is a woman.
St Teresa was also a woman. She spoke to Jesus Christ in his glorified body. What a gas! The people who are having all the really good times are all sitting bare arsed in caves, or stuck in convents. Not only did she speak to Jesus Christ, but Jesus Christ told her he'd do anything she asked because he knew she loved him. It's a romance. Of course, instead of doing all that nun stuff, she could have settled down with a Brian Wilson and surrounded herself with ankle biters.
I've got a picture of Jesus Christ on my wall. It's from the Turin Shroud. Take you a long while to raise a smile out of that face. It's really from a photographic negative. This boy was developing the photie and this face appeared. He'd be a tim, of course, being Italian. I mean, that's something you're going to remember. In the darkroom. Looking down on Jesus Christ's dead face.
You might not think it's Jesus Christ since the it was maybe dated to the middle ages recently, but you can definitely change the photie by how you look at it.
But is it Jesus Christ or isn't it? If Jesus Christ could talk to St Teresa and do miracles for her, making a shroud in the middle ages shouldn't have been so much of a problem. I really does look like him as well. He looks pretty dead, but as if he'd taken a bit of a doing beforehand.
I might have mentioned before that Jesus Christ and St Teresa were both buddhists.
St Teresa was a lousy writer. Well, maybe she got better. I'll have a go at Interior Castle next. I'll have to find out how come the Inquisition never set her on fire. They certainly would have if they'd found out she was a buddhist. She must have had a good agent. Be the wrong bloody century of course!