Saturday, April 16, 2005

Rat dharmakaya again!

Somebody must have looked at the web page! Just when I thought it might be a complete waste of time, I got an email this morning from Synapse Productions, a theatre group in New York. The person was enquiring after a play called Bomber I had performed at the Traverse about a dozen years ago. With the Iraq invasion that's maybe current just now. The play was about terrorism in a way. The book is here.

All you can say about God is not true. Meister Eckhart

This is the last ever about philosophy, absolutes, anything like that. I am not equipped. The dharmakaya, whatever it is, isn't a creator and doesn't punish you. It's not supposed to be like our idea of God. But what the hell is it then? If it's beyond concepts, maybe we should just accept Eckhart and leave it there. That's what attracted me to buddhism. No point in even talking about something that's beyond concepts.

"When we can see, straightforwardly and non-conceptually, the nature of our clear light mind and remain totally absorbed in this nature without ever regressing from it, we have become a Buddha". The Dalai Lama.

If the dharmakaya and clear light mind are the same (they seem to be!) then it would be useful to know what everyone is talking about here.

If the dharmakaya is an absolute and doesn't change, then it shouldn't be interacting or inter-relating with anything. Or it would change. You're supposed to be able to get a glimpse of this clear light mind when you're going to sleep, or having an orgasm (don't look at me!) or dying. The dying bit is important in deity yoga since you are supposed to go through that. It's maybe supposed to look like a clear blue sky. Or compared to. I think it's focusing on that which stops yogis going into rigor mortis when they die. So it is something?

My best shot at this is that maybe it's like a quantum thing. You look for it as dynamic and it's dynamic. You look for it as still and it's still.

If absolutes occur only in the mind like the number two maybe, well, everything in buddhism seems to exist in Mind. Thus one disappears right up one's back passage. Definitely, nothing about absolutes ever again.

I still have a lot of purification issues. Yesterday the mind was agitated from being bad the night before. I really needed to settle down. And not have visitors. Unfortunately, in my guise as a hinayanist, I compared flatheids to horses or chimpanzees to Brian Wilson. This can't be right. Chimps don't know anything about ra bliss. Chimps don't waste their lives eating sweeties and being bourgeois ... I think I might still have some purification issues here today!

Hinayana buddhism should suit some Scottish protestants. They didn't like bishops and wanted to find God by themselves. Unfortunately, their God concept led them to predestination, which is probably the stupidest .... must be kind to Calvinists today. Anyway, meditation is really anarchic. You can teach yourself how to do it. You don't need anyone else. It's kind of gnostic.

I'm not into God, or worship. Speculation is really a waste of time. I believe in the illusory nature of reality. Incontrovertible that.

Going to write today (It's Saturday), blog, meditate and take some exercise. I'll blog again as a break later.


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

hotboy, I should tell you - besides my social connections to Muhammad Ali, Mel Gibson, Allan Tall and Peter Ustinov, I also have an Antipodean acquaintance who is in showbiz like yourself.

He's actually a sort of Australian Benny Hill crossed with a one-man Monty Python (I'm not sure he'd like my description so I'll omit his real name, send me an email if you want it). He's a household face, or he used to be. I've never seen his TV shows because they were before my time here, but occasionally when we're out and about, people, famous or otherwise, come up to him and shake his hand.

He's actually working flat out writing, producing, directing and acting in a musical in July, so maybe he's got enough on his plate but I could plug your work later this year if you like.


PS I assume Alison Main, if she really exists, is related to the lovely Lesley Main, who lived across the road from me when I was 7.

5:58 AM  

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