Ra End of Ra Day!
I had to read my new novel today. I mulled it over and decided to read it in Bert's Bar, although these days I am a complete teatotaller. After four pints of IPA, I came home. Well, what's the verdict? Hmmm. It's not really a novel. I got a novel published nine years ago, but that wasn't really a novel either. Anyway, I've got to correct three or four wee things and that's about all.
I don't remember the last novel I got published having any good paragraphs in it. But it was written in the first person. I think this novel has one good paragraph in it and it's also written in the first person. Progress. The first novel I got published was written in the third person and it had seven good paragraphs in it.
The bits about ra bliss sang true to me in this latest novel. That's maybe what counts. The last novel I got published nine years ago had true stuff about my interest in boxing. All the stuff in Alma Mater about the university course I was on is true.
I suppose I should sit and wait and re-write it again. But I probably won't. It's a book about ra bliss and about walking away from samsara. I suppose it's a bit of a rant about education as well. If anybody wants to have a look, email me through my webpage and I'll send you a copy.
I much enjoyed reading samsaramom's latest post. With a name like Heather, she must a be counted as one of the fortunate people, which is to say Scottish. She's been away meditating for a week. How I wish I could do that right now! You've got to want to make the effort. There's something very Scottish about that!
11:35 p.m.
Yes, making the effort! I've only written the book twice. The great thing today was that I read it right through for the first time and didn't get annoyed. Getting annoyed is a sign of my "spiritual" immaturity. So I really have to be cold with it and have a good think, and re-write it. And re-write it. And re-write it.
Why bother? Well, some Joe or Josephine might try to read it and it would be better for them if the words were perfectly paced.
I read books by St Teresa and she's a crap writer. No, she isn't.
And I'm not St Teresa!
There's no hurry. I'd like the sensei and reverend to read it in its current state because he is my brother in arms, and my dharma brother, and he's a writer and understands this shit. I maybe should ask for his advice on this. Any body else ... well, I don't read books, so why should you?