Ra Vase Breath!
I'm off work again today, but will be back tomorrow. I'm not so ill that I have to watch videos all day. I can sit. I'll sit and blog, sit and blog, all day. The flat will be empty till about ten this evening, so there will plenty of time for the juju, especially as the disease recedes throughout the day.
Hello, Jack. This post isn't really for casual readers. It's of no interest to Masai Warriors. If you meditate at all, it should be extremely interesting. At least, we'll start today with the vase breath.
Pranayama is breathing exercise. It's one of the eight limbs of yoga. When the kid was born, me and Shiva went to Iyengar Yoga classes. These are very good. The limitatations of this style of yoga are that it is too static; they don't do anything like enough pranayama; and they don't meditate. Partial. But thank god for Iyengar Yoga because the wonderful yoga teachers up in Bruntsfield taught me how to sit.
But they didn't teach me anything about vase breathing. I first encountered vase breathing in The Bliss Of Inner Fire, I think. It's a specialist kind of breathing exercise. You take the big breath and squeeze it round a symbol placed in your navel chakra. You hold for as long as it's comfortable and then let go. Simple.
I'd like to be a flatheid again and try that to see what happens. Nothing. Flatheids don't get ra bliss. You don't need vase breathing to get ra bliss, but if you haven't got ra bliss already, I don't see you getting much out of breathing exercises (other than all the other beneficial effects!). But I don't know.
I'm 55. I started meditating, I think, when I was about 33. I didn't meditate in a full lotus till I 40. I didn't know anything about vase breathing or any of the other techniques around the 6 Yogas of Naropa till I was 50 or 51. At the age my old man died, 52, I became a buddhist and had an empowerment to do deity yoga from the Great Buddha Lama Yeshe Losal.
I walked off the job for ten weeks nearly two years ago (about 15 months after the empowerment) and that's when I started getting the vase breathing to work. I sat in my hut.
This is like going through your life playing slowly slowly catchee monkey. Anyone who knows me, especially any of my younger relatives, and is not doing this is frankly a fung disgrace!
You take a breath, hold it, let go. If you'r a flatheid, that's it. Zip. Say you're doing the juju. Before you let go these days, something is happening already. You might get a brightness in the symbol. Your body feels shoogley in the position as if it's berth is moving a little. This is a slight floatiness. So you let go.
It starts in a kind of pre-bliss cloud and then goes BEAM. This is recent. It used to go wobbly, wobbly up your body with the delicious waves of bliss and then some warmth, but just there it went BEAM. Try again. It beams right into your face and head area, so it's not bothering too much with whatever is under that. It rises. (all of this feels fantastic. You have to remember that.) Try again. It's blissier and warmer. At this point the bliss is concentrated in your head. . There is a great expanse. You start to get a roaring sound in your ears.
Your guts go mushy heat. The heat starts blowing upwards. Now the great globules of bliss arise! Everything from here on in gets more intensse: you're breathing a lot less; the bliss gets thicker and there are far less thoughts.
I think what has been described is the beginning of vase breathing. Soon, I'll go into the lobby and continue and see where it goes today. It so much a beginner at this just now. My visualisations are very poor. My discipline, as anyone who reads this will know, is crap.
Questions, questions, questions. So you have connected somehow ra bliss with the breath. How does that work? I have no idea. Brought up with materialism and the scientific method, you have nothing to work with here. We've just got the bones, blood and piss of the gross body. What is it going up? Why is it going up? How does this technique operate? You read about sheaths and astral bodies, subtle bodies. I don't know. But I don't have to believe anything or disbelieve anything. I've got it to work. Or at least, I've got it to begin to work.
At some point it is said that the airs should enter the central channel. They should stabilise and dissolve. You should stop breathing. In the process of dissolution (death) you should be able to collect the four blisses. I don't know how far I've got in this.
At the end of the day you've got to have loss of the false sense of self. This has to, at least, go along with this, I think, or else you could get into all kinds of bother. You'd still have tons of undisciplined, selfish desires. How would you like me to purify your vitals for you, my little chickadee?
You have to remember that the vajrayana is continually amazing and astonishing. One of the weirdest things is that the vase breathing stuff works without the deep concentration necessary for other aspects of meditation. After a while, I seems that you can just do it. You have a connection between breath and bliss. Breathe out and here comes ra bliss!
Now, what's your excuse for being a flatheid? A daftie? An E.T. ? One of Them Prehensiles? Walking around with your head stuck up your arse ... well, the view must be quite good, or you must be a moron. I hope the view from where you are is so good that you don't need this kind of thing. I've heard people say they are happy and they don't meditate. They don't look happy to me!! Off to the lobby and into ra bliss!
1:00 p.m.
Alec McClochendichter came back! If you're not an anagram, go to my site. It's got six unpublished books and one unproduced play. The two kidsbooks are solid gold. I'm a school librarian. I've had two adult books published and about eight plays produced. I'm writing a novel about raising inner heat at the moment, etc. If you want a look at the first page, send me an email address and I'll send it to you.
If you are really a wind-up, I have just cursed your right ankle for wasting my time. You will fall over and hurt yourself. YOU WILL!
My disease is lifting perceptibly. I think I'll take it a walk over to the Botanic Gardens where I will look out over the beautiful city on this cold, clear day and read A Practice Manual on the 6 Yogas of Naropa: Taking the Practice in Hand by the great Je Lama Tsongkhapa (1357-1419). No wonder I can't be bothered reading novels anymore!