Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Ra Second Day!

Wednesday 6:50 p.m.
My knee, which I pranged nearly two weeks ago, is almost okay. So I did some digging in the allotment today, having left work at noon. And set fire to the week's supply of newspapers. Cold and clear and bright, the trees stark and bare, the cold on your face as you dig a wee bit exhilerating. Came back and meditated a wee bit, wrote the book, and did the first shadow boxing session for so long, at least a fortnight. Had a bath. Back to normal. I really miss training.

Despair is interesting. Waves of depression help you empathise. I don't think I'm really the depressive type, but what must it be like if you can't raise you chin or get out of bed for days at a time? .. suffering in this life.

I think it's best to avoid the despair if possible. Milarepa, who's the first big saint in this Tibetan juju, fell into suicidal despairs about nine times, I think. Because his guru's wife helped him through one of these episodes, later on he nearly starved to death. He needed the despair. Same thing with Naropa, the boy the Six Dharmas are called after.

Sometimes I feel like one of these supertankers, which are so big they take miles and miles to turn around. It's obvioulsy better not to like the wrong things. Or being such a contradiction. I have no excuse for despairing now. I'm not drinking; I haven't got any arrangements to see any flatheids; and I'm not going to any fleshpot cities any time soon.

Very much enjoying Glenn Mullin's introduction to the Tsongkhapa's Six Yogas of Naropa. I thought I'd better start re-reading this tantric stuff since I'd made a wee bit of progress on my birthday. Raising inner heat comes first. You have to be able to draw the energies into the central channel and then be able to get the four blisses. I think from between the lines you might be going through some psuedo death process here. That's the basis of the rest of the juju.

I need to develope a very quiet lifestyle. Nae bevvying.

One of the six yogas is learning how to voluntarily exit your body at the time of death. I think it's called Powa. Paramahansa Yogananda mentions his guru and his granddaddy guru doing this. He did it as well. Does anyone remember the first buddhist monk to torch himself in Vietnam? Amazing footage. The boy didn't move at all. No rolling over. Just sat there. I think he did it.

What a nice evening I'm going to have! The flat is empty. Here comes ra bliss!! Here comes ra bliss!!


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

3 cheers for the long weekend, every weekend.

First, the incendiary monk powa story was impressively shocking. I'd never have that kind of stoicism and/or bravery, and that's the way I like it. I watched a documentary just now about Branson and his mate in their ill-fated hot-air balloon crossing of the Atlantic. When the chips were down and he had to leap out of the basket into the sea, Branson displayed the sort of hesitation and cowardice I can identify with.

I know I'm a bit of a guru figure to you (not in the matter of bliss of course), but I can see where you're headed. Next thing you'll be asking Mrs McJay to "help" you through an episode, but it's not going to happen. You can pitch your tent in the garden here when the pandemic gets going, but that's all.

Thanks for the suggestion about just avoiding the despair and depression, I had never thought of that but it's so simple once you know about it.

How did you do the knee?

Can you do the bliss when you're dying of bird flu? Have you ever tried it when you're sick? Otherwise, what's the point?

Does that help?

PS - there are 2 v's in Crivvens. You can check it out at the BBC or on blogger.

That should help.

PPS - I thought of splitting this into about half a dozen comments to help your rating, but the word verification palaver put me off.

11:03 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Eric: I believe in as little as possible. Eventually, meditation makes you smile more.
Adolf! Heil! I don't know how I did my knee. It's a meditation injury. Dangerous game that! Even you could avoid the kind of depression and despair that comes from acting like an asshole! Getting it without a good reason ... it's not fair, is it? Also, you should be able to get ra bliss continuously, I think. You'd have to be a lot better at it than me, that's all. Hotboy

5:09 PM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Thanks for that. I think I ought to start posting some of the old pictures that explain where my own despair came from, but since I started on the somaloft I'm too apathetic to be bothered.

9:13 AM  

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