Rem Beliefs Again!
I believe that most of the joes and josephine who land on this bloggy do not believe in miracles. They would say that miracles were a lot of old, superstitious, irrational nonsense. And they might be right. Most of these people would believe in evolution and the current hypotheses concerning the Big Bang. Well, this is kind of acceptable, and rational, and all that kind of stuff.
But to say the Bang Bang occurred from a point without circumference (what?), without any explanation thereof whatsoever, and then maybe 15 billion years later you're standing there and saying you don't believe in miracles just makes me want to laugh. How fast do miracles have to be?
Of course in the Amazing Bloggy Church of the Bad Boy Blissheid we don't believe in miracles either.
We embrace our ignorance;
We don't believe in any things;
Especially thoughts!
What about Celtic winning the European Cup 40 years ago, Hotboy? Well, of course, I believe in that, Jack. In fact, I watched it on the telly. My auld maw was pally with team captain's auld maw.
To be religious is to know that the facts of this world are not the end of the matter. Wittgenstein. The Wall.
What the Amazing Bloggy Church of the Bad Boy Blissheid is really trying to tell you, Jack, is that because we are the human beings and have only certain faculties, senses, abilities at our disposal, we misapprehend. We do not see the connections. We see the stuff as separate, isolated and usually pretty unchanging. That's why fire is so good. It constantly transforms; it changes; it flows a wee bit like clouds.
The best of the flatheids, who believe in things, try to believe in heaven and try to be good in a sensible kind of way. So we'll let them off because life isn't easy for a lot of folk and flatheids are badly alienated since all they see is separateness, and they're stuck with a false sense of self, and they think they're going to die. Oh no!
But you cannot get anywhere, Jack, with dogmatists, the folk who generally believe in total crap, like creation started five thousand years ago, like the Bible (Koran) is literally true and the word of God, or that that some messiah is going to come and then everything will be alright.
These flatheids cause all the bother in the world that the capitalist basturns haven't caused and the lot of them are invited to commit suicide regularly in this bloggy.
That's a bit intolerant, Hotboy. You're right, Jack. I sound like one of these intolerant, flatheided basturns who believe in things!
I started to believe in the possibility of miraculous events once about twenty years ago when I'd been meditating for a wee while. I realised I was hardly breathing. When you meditate sometimes your breathing becoming less than at any other time, including deep sleep, etc. But that's not what I was trying to do. I was simply trying to concentrate on the Mumbo Jumbo I was repeating to myself, Sussquehanna (Still, a great sound!!!)Anyway, at the time I thought: That's a miracle! I couldn't believe how low the breathing rate had become. And I thought, if you could levitate, it won't be because you're trying to levitate. I will happen because you're thinking of something else, or trying to do something else. I wondered what.
Well, what, Hotboy? I don't know, Jack. I can't levitate!
I think the world record for breath holding is about nine minutes. Free divers are into this. I think the word might be apneasts. I held my breath on Saturday night for one minute 52 seconds, but usually I'm stuck at about a minute. Saint Teresa said her breathless states lasted about half an hour, she thought. But she hadn't a stop watch and she wasn't trying to hold her breath. Amd she could float as well although she didn't really want to. It wasn't what she was trying to do.
I realised my ignorance was truly profound when I had my first rising of the inner heat. Ten years ago I would have very much doubted the stories of these yogis wandering around the frozen wastes in the Himalayas in cotton nightshirts, and not having their goolies frozen off. The problem is that we don't know what we are and we think we do. Who are you? I don't know. Perfect answer!!
In The Amazing Bloggy Church of the Bad Boy Blissheid we try to keep an open mind. It's arrogant and stupid in equal measure to claim much knowledge of anything. Or saying anything is true, except stuff like Celtic won the European Cup in 1967.
It's much more fun doing this when you're half pissed! That'll be ten percent off the top, please.