Sunday, May 13, 2007

Ra Names for Snow!

Sunday 1:20 p.m.
I'd like to tell you about the sensations, Jack, but how many names have you got for snow? Hundreds, Hotboy! Get on with it!

What you have to remember is that being, most likely, too dumb to meditate, all these paltry descriptions will be of stuff you have never experienced. I mean, none of it.

Even moi walks around with his head stuck up his bum for much of the time. There is an interior monologue accompanying this, which might have cravings, threads of anxiety attached, or whatever. All these wee decisions you've been making and all your wee anxieties (which you probably don't realise you have) just disappear very soon after you hit the cushion. Very quickly you're in a completely different mental environment.

Let's go through the senses.
1) Vision: Melded, heightened colour, and objects seem to be less anchored, more shoogly. Sometimes they seem to move a little. Everything is a bit less solid and separated.
2) Hearing: Sometimes there is a rushing and roaring in the ears.
3) Taste: No change there that I've ever noticed.
4) Smell: No change there either!
4) Feeling: There are many different feelings, a smorgasborg of the buggers! Sometimes a great sense of uplift. Your eyes seem to widen and you face is sometimes pulled out in a rictus, clenched teeth grin. You seem to be in contact with something inside you (kind of) which is doing a lot of stretching and pulling. Put a vase breath or do some vase breathing in this condition and ... well, that's been changing a lot. There is the connection somehow between bliss and air. This seems to be developing between bliss and air and heat. But it seems dependant on what time of day it is, etc. I find this frustrating because it shows the mind is so connected with the body somehow, or environmental circumstances you can't really control.

Do you think you've been chosen to do this juju, Hotboy? No, Jack. I think I choose myself. But if the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have been sitting about in a heaven somewhere looking around Edinburgh for some joe to road test this juju on, they might have noted there there were only two or three people capable of that and since the other two are already in mental hospital, it was down to me.

Let's face it, bloggy chummies! You can't get blogging like this anywhere else! For this is RaBlissBlog, here to tell you flatheids all about ra bliss you could be immersing yourself in except you're too dumb to meditate! Not me, Jack! It's back to the lobby for me. Oh, ra bliss, ra bliss, ra bliss!

8:40 p.m.
Well, that was an interesting weekend. I've dug out Tsongkhapa's 6 Yogas of Naropa in case I start getting the hang of this juju. I want to find the bit when he tells you about all the diseases you can get if you don't do it right. I suppose that book and The Bliss of Inner Fire are maybe the most valuable books in the world. You should be able to work out most of the technique for becoming a buddha in one life time from these books.

When we can see, straightforwardly and non-conceptually, the nature of our clear light mind, and remain totally aborbed in this nature without ever having to regress from it, we have become a buddha.Dalai Lama. The Wall.

By doing this juju I think you're supposed to be able to collect the four blisses, and thereafter your meditations will start with the first bliss. I wonder if that's what the Dalai Lama is talking about. If it is, that's a long, long way away, Jack.


Blogger Just a toy said...

you're absolutely right can't find this stuff anywhere else.

10:14 PM  
Blogger Lee Ann said...

Hope you have an excellent blissful week Hotboy!

12:09 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Toyo! Nice to hear from you again!
Lee Ann: My week has started superbly. Hope you have a good one too! Hotboy

11:41 AM  
Blogger rob said...

You almost had me signed up there, right up until 8.40 when the gobbledygook faded in, and you lost me. It doesn't help.

12:38 PM  
Blogger rob said...

There's been no word from the islander queen. Did you let something slip? That wouldn't help.

12:56 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Onan? When I told her about you coming out, she decided to go to Bavaria instead. If you were an alien from Outer Space, it wouldn't be goobledegook. Whatever that is. Is it another of your perversions? Hotboy

2:08 PM  

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