Checked the web page at the same. It's still there. Nobody has sent me any email from it and my pal, Brian Wilson, has told me that it's not on the MSN register of nutty people with cunning plans to get rich and even infamous. Of course, I know bugger all about this.
Still, I sent a hassling email to a Robert Kirby at PDF to tell him to look at the page. He looks from his photie a bit like Charlie Sheen, the actor, or maybe like one of those people in American Psycho. Maybe if I got an agent it would be better if it was a man since I am not really all that interested in the writing business (apart from writing) and if I had a male agent, I could occasionally have a reason to go to London and get out of my face.
Be a change from this here at the wonderful Samye Ling.
The trouble is keeping my enthusiasm for getting an agent going. I don't really need the money and I've had books published before. Having books published is a hassle. People you don't know sometimes write about you in the papers. And I don't need the money. If I'd wanted to make money, I might have become a literary agent!
However, I should get some money so I could give it to my daughter. She's going to university this yearI'd also like to give pots of dosh to the Samye people since this place has given me more than I could ever repay. Apart from that, I wouldn't mind going to Rumtek. I'd like to see the 17th Karmapa in Rumtek, although I don't think he's ever been there yet. I went to the Himalayas before, but it was too cloudy to see any mountains! I think I'll start doing the lottery.
I've just got out of lying down in my room, but the coffee is waking me up.
This morning I meditated for about four hours in the practise bit at the back of the temple. Straight into ra bliss really. Heat came up with practically the first vase breath. I stood on my head a couple of times and did Tai Chi sets when I had to change position due to the sore legs.
I was reading the D. Lama's book on The Union Of Bliss and Emptiness. The visualisations in it are astonishing. Being able to do something like that (especially with your eyes open!) would be wonderful. You'd need to be in retreat some time, I imagine. I can't do these things (yet?), but I have done the mental calming sufficiently before to realise that your mind becomes quite plastic in terms of the visual field after a while. It's like reverse acid. Instead of something appearing spontaneously, you can stick it out there and it'll stay out there.
I don't believe in anything. Well, I believe in the illusory nature of reality. That's all. Actually, that covers everything; any reality you care to mention. It's just at best a view, I suppose.
Two peak experiences yesterday.One was lying on my bed after lunch doing yoga nidra i.e lying like a corpse. Very blissful. Not just lying there being relaxed. In the evening they have Chenrezig prayers. It was a Chenrezig empowerment I got the first night here. I wasn't going to float. I know I'm not going to float. It felt as if I was going to float. A very blissful, light feeling. Brought on by listening to chanting.
I'm out of time here. Half an hour for 50p. Got to be a good deal. It's wonderful to be here!