Sunday, February 27, 2005

Ra light is not ra bliss either!

While I was asking the man what ra bliss was, I also said: Wha's ra light? He did not say what the light was either, but I know the light is not ra bliss because you can get the light for ages before you get ra bliss.

It is also possible to get the light and the creepy thing (see previous post) and not get ra bliss. Because it is bright white light, I don't see how you can get the light while still looking at anything. I always get the light with my eyes closed.

I don't think flashes of light are that uncommon when you start meditating, but the light I'm talking about I started getting regularly when I was able to get my meditating up to three times a day. So you're maybe doing one and a half hours a day at this point and the light I was getting was always in the third one. I assumed at the time that this was because I'd done the other two, but I now think the time of day might be involved as well. As it's getting dark and soon afterwards seems to be a great time for ra bliss, so it might be good for the light as well.

I think the creepy thing is more interesting than the light because it is certainly physical, and usually feels really nice. If you can feel like you're sitting there like a cobra, you have to have transcended your normal joes self a wee bit anyway. Hadn 't thought of that before.

I don't know what the light and ra bliss and the creepy thing are. They might be aspects of the same thing or bits of something, or whatever.

Sometime the creepy thing might seem to have straightened out and then if you have your eyes shut, you might find yourself sitting as if in a strip light, or in the middle of one of those light swords in Star Wars. You might also in this condition feel a lot of updraft, as if something (the ligtht, creepy thing, and ra bliss combined?) is pulling you up, stetching or lifting you.

I asked the man what is was that was pulling me up and he didn't tell me what that was either

I have sent Simon Trewin a letter. I have told him about my website It's here
It would be nice to know what to do now. How many days should you wait before you decide the bastards aren't going to reply? As soon as I've gone through all the email addresses for PFD, a ton of manure from CrapRUs will be on its way!


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