Friday, March 16, 2007

Ra Congress!

Friday 00:25 a.m.
I have planted 750 onions. My clothes are going on fire. They are called Marks and Spencer training bottoms. If your weight yo-yos ... yes, for fat basturns!

It said there was only ONE American Congressman who did not believe in God. Most folk I know do not believe in God. I assume in the Labour Party who govern us, well, I hope most of them are atheists. Or humanists. Believing in an afterlife means you put up with crap! Obviously, the best thing is for the folk who want to rule over you to think it might be a good idea if you had a good house and some money in the here and now.

We, who are trying to emanate as deities, however, may be allowed a different view.

No, same view!

If we, in the Amazing Bloggy Church of the Bad Boy Blissheid do not believe in any things, we cannot, of course, believe in God. How ridiculous!

Absolutes do not dependently arise; they do not interact with other things and they do not change. They are things which, surely, must not really occur, or else I'll have to go back to the beginning.

The flatheid side of moi couldn't really settle today. Agitations. The blissheid side of moi was totally fabuloso. Maybe six or seven hours meditating today. But I just need to totally calm down.

Have we been having any fun, Jack?
Yes, we have, Hotboy! But the Masai Warriors can only jump for so long, and time beats on ... you have to produce the goods. Are we any nearer to perfect peace and total satisfaction?

I shouldn't think so, Jack. But I think I could curse people pretty soon. I can concentrate and stare, and stare, and stare. Hours and hours of this. Hubble Bubble. If the Hubble Bubble Hut Manager could only be found, we could clean up!

If you'd like me to try and wreak total devastation around where you live just leave a comment and I'll get onto it!


Blogger Lee Ann said...

Wow, that is a lot of onions! I don't think you will run out this time.
So, what is happening with Adolfphus Nannbugger Milngavieavitch?
Have a great weekend!

2:09 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Lee Ann: Sweet of you to remember Adolfphus! Have a good weekend too! Hotboy

10:07 AM  
Blogger rob said...

Yes, what's happened to him? Did his pants catch fire too? They say that's what comes of breaking wind in polyester bottoms.

11:16 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

McClonky! And I thought nobody cared about fictional characters. It just goes to show! Hotboy

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say!

750 onions, sitting on the wa'

and if one little onion, should accidentally fall, there'd be 749 onions, sitting on the wa'
etc, etc...

Anyway, as Lee Ann has kindly pointed out, Adolfphus Nannbugger Milngavieavitch is one of the few positives to have emerged from 4,568 hours of your meditations.

You should at least blog an update on his whereabouts. Was he arrested?

BTW, I pointed new blood TK in your direction.



10:53 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Mingin'! TK is going to be a rude blog! I'm supposed to be purifying my mind here! Do you think I could start a naughty blog for Adolfphus? Call it Onan the Barbarian! Hotboy

8:51 AM  
Blogger rob said...

Surely it's Onan the Bavarian?

5:58 AM  

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