Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Rem Stories!

Tuesday 7:45 p.m.
Globules of .... who knows .... flowing up and under my chin as I sit here, lifting, stretching. This juju is great, so it is!

Great fire up at the allotment this evening as darkness fell. Newspapers with the added typescripts, mainly from the Buddha and the Big Bad Wolf. I must have had hopes for that book once! Even although I suspected it wasn't very good.

I read the first twenty odd pages of the book I'd almost forgotten about, On Becoming a Living Saint. Unfortunately, after the first sentence, (I HOPE YOU DON'T MIND GOING TO JAIL WHEN YOU'VE FINISHED READING THIS BOOK) the whole thing deteriorates and it seems like a whole lot of under-written crap. Like the one Serpent's Tail published and the new one, it isn't written in proper paragraphs, chapters, etc. Why try to re-invent the wheel? The next book I write is going to have proper sentences, and paragraphs, and chapters.

The story about the joe wanting to become a window cleaner by selling dope is buried in this morass somewhere. Yes, storylines! I should really hold off from writing anything and develope storylines, etc., but I probably won't. But I definitely should. Maybe I could just steal someone else's. Jaws is a straight lift from Moby Dick. Write a sci-fi Moby Dick. Horrible big space monsters that excrete drugs chased after by pirate like spaceships, one of which is captained by Ahab, the one legged nutter. Moby Dick, like Germinal, started with this joe walking into town. "With a rapidly beating heart ..." that's the start. Just add another 100,000 words and give me tenpercent off the top, please!


Blogger rob said...

If your pal Adolf's interested in brewery investment down here, I accept all currencies, no questions asked.

Now you've got the whole world's attention with your cliffhanger, will you consider explaining why the reader risks jail? Or was that never actually referred to again? That wouldn't help.

10:42 PM  

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