Thursday, March 01, 2007

Rose Zones!

Thursday, Noon.
This is RaBlissBlog! Here to tell you flatheids all about ra bliss. Unfortunately, it is very hard to describe sensations or feelings to people (i.e. flatheids!), especially when they will never have an analogous experience of them due to being too dumb to meditate. But one day some joe or josephine who does meditate and follow this juju path may happenstance upon RaBlissBliog and this might be a help to you, you fortunate creature, you!

Setting the scene. The flat is empty. I should be on my own till about eleven this evening with any luck. Last night I was so knackered from trying too hard that I slept, more or less, from eight in the evening till about two or three hours ago. So I am well refreshed.

I guess I should reiterate a bit.

You're a flatheid, but you start meditating regularly and finally odd things start occurring. You will experience various degrees of bliss and feel strange movements begin to manifest in your body, except these movements (and feelings) seem to occur in an aspect of your body/mind that you did not realise was there before. At this point, you are not longer so flatheided and have experience of other mental and physical "zones." Years of occasional wonderful experiences await you at this stage.

Once you have taken refuge and empowerments, I don't see how you can claim total personal responsibility for what happens after that, though of course you still have to put the cushion time in. When you're a non-meditating moronic flatheid, there's really not even much point in talking to you about zones and bliss and whatnot, but when you're at my stage (which is very much still the beginner), you have to admit that you have no idea where this juju can lead you in terms of mental abilities, siddhis, and whatnot, so you just hope you will not crash and burn, and if you are about to, maybe you can get some help. Obviously, if you were brought up in this tradition, had a justifiable faith in the juju, etc., this would be much easier. But here we are.

Different things are beginning to occur, which is why I should take this opportunity today in making a very poor stab at describing what might be going on. Something else has checked in. It has come with what little access to heat I have. In the after-effects of the vase breathing this morning a very strange zone arose. There's a slightly more substantial feeling here. It feels easier to imagine you are a deity in this state. Remember, you have to feel proud, vajra pride, and the mandala you are in should have some kind of radiance, according to what I have read. I'm still very very poor at these visualisations, but you just go back and back and back over them time and time and time again and eventually a little improvement becomes evident.

I'll go and meditate till 2 p.m. and decide what to do.

4:30 p.m.
I went to Bert's Bar to read Bomber, a book I last re-wrote god knows how long ago. How pleased I was! I got through four pints of IPA (3.8%) and managed to read 104 pages. If it ends up as good as this, I won't bother re-writing it. It's not bad.

The main character is called Simon Sweik. He's called Simon Sweik because I lifted the name from a book called The Good Soldier Swejk, or Svejk, or something Czech. It's an old book about this joe stumbling around Austro-Hungary at the time of the First World War. Nobody ever asked me why I called the joe Sweik.

The baddie is called Sildwick. I have no idea why he's called that. There's someone called Camille. I must have thought that was exotic. There's someone called Lexie. He called that because my friend Jerry know someone from the wild west called Lexie.

I thought the trouble with the book was that there wasn't enough rationale for the guy to be into vengeance; not really enough character development there really. Hmmm? The book's okay so far, but we've just come to the end of the first act and a bit really.

Susan Hiltz is the name of the girl.

Three men of even older provenance than me were sitting reading books in Bert's Bar. Paperbacks. I was the only one who was reading a book I'd written myself. I wanted to give one of them my book and tell them to put away the crap they were reading for my book was much better. They would not have believed me. My book is not published. It is in a folder.

I would like a criticism of the book before I re-write it. If anyone out there reads it and sends me a few lines about it, I'll change the names to suit them. Of course, the book will get published one day. I remember sending the first chapter to some agent who said they didn't like the main character. There are half witted fools out there deciding what you get to read. The filters don't work. Cos the vandals took the handles.


Blogger Lee Ann said...

Hey Hotboy! I am feeling quite knackered today, so I am going to bed early. Just wanted to say hello.

2:57 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Hello to you too, lee Ann

10:49 AM  
Blogger rob said...

If my assistant can instal a screen inside my rectum, I could read this blog without having to pull my head out. That would help.

Surely at least one of the guys could have asked if the book you're reading is any good, so you could say "it sure is, I wrote it".

The opening chapter reminds me of one or two evenings in Edinburgh when I couldn't remember where I lived, or imagine what was on the other side of the door. It wouldn't take much work to rewrite it as an Alzheimers' version of Curious Incident. 10% off the top.

8:04 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

If you don't mind being the ghost writer for £25, we could have a deal here! Hotboy

11:23 AM  
Blogger rob said...

I could do it in an hour or so, but divvying up all the royalties would take years.

4:27 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

To learn more about Svejk, visit SvejkCentral. There is also a new English translation.

6:28 AM  

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