Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Ra Weekend is Here!

Wednesday 1:35 p.m.
I haven't had a peep out of the four publishers I sent the package to ... the same one that went to Julia Churchill at Darley Anderson. But Julia Churchill sent me a nice email telling me how to sharpen up my submissions to agents. Unfortunately, she also said she'd been reading this blog. Reading stuff like this would put anyone off!! Who would want to buy a used car from some middle aged guy who calls himself Hotboy and whose ambition is to emanate as a deity? Maybe if I was going to get an agent, the first thing I should do is to stop writing a blog about not getting one!

You tell yourself it doesn't matter. You really don't care. You can apply the emptiness analysis to all the false hopes and fantastisies that naturally arise. It's back to the golf shot. What do you feel when you miss it and what do you feel when you hit it? What use are either of these feelings? Getting rejections is not why I write. I don't feel comfortable with this little break that's opened up.

I'd like to get Light in the Dark published for several reasons. For one thing, it's not like the other two books I've had published before. It is a different kind of book. Also, some kids love books. Doing readings for kids would be fine. I could modify my Pet Bereavement Counselling, the tricks anyway. I could grow an enormous beard again and wear an expensive cowboy hat for the photies. Also, I'd really like to write a sequel to it.

I remember looking at the letter from Element Books saying they wanted to publish The Buddha and the Big Bad Wolf. I was cool then. I showed it to the Domestic Bliss. Look at that. What do you think? I remember thinking, we'll see. When I got the letter from them saying they'd gone into administration, I smiled a little wryly and tightly. I was cool then. I'm going to be cool about Julia Churchill reading Light in the Dark. It is impossible to tell the difference between good and bad fortune.

One thing I am sure of is that my meditations over the next few days will be bloody wonderful. If any of the Masai Warriors or Spam Robots who visit this blog want to get their heads stuck in ra bliss, they should go here to find out how.

The Daily Telegraph carried the report of a 15 year old in Nepal who's been sitting fasting and meditating under a pipal tree for six months. You can't do that if you've got a job share. That's why I'd like an agent. To get some money. To get my time back so I could ... do what I liked! Right now I'm off to the allotment to meditate in my hut until it get dark. No pipal trees, but what the hell!


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

HB - maybe writing about not getting an agent is a self-fulfilling bit of juju. Try blogging about how you're having to fight them off, knocking back huge advances.

carsey - great comment cobber

5:13 AM  

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