Friday, March 23, 2007

Ra Bathtime Bliss!

Friday 9:15 p.m.
The water was well passed the cooling down stage by the time I got out of the bath a wee while ago. I'd been lying there for an hour and a half. From the last thirty odd years I've been doing really hard physical jerks at least four times a week, and from this have grown to truly love lying semi-exhausted in baths. Imagine how unsurpassingly wonderful it is when you're lying there with very little consciousness of your body in a great big expanse of ra bliss! Oh, ra bliss, ra bliss, ra bliss!

Since I completely gave up beer on January 10th, I've managed to cut my beer consumption by over fifty percent. And I hardly eat at work. And I've been out there running up bleeding giant hills! And shadow boxing my brains out! And I haven't lost one ounce, not one bleeding ounce of fat after all the howdedo. Still, twelve stone three pounds. Fat basturn!

It's because you've been meditating more, Hotboy.
You're my only friend, Jack.
Will I make the match with Jack Dempsey then, fattie?
Fung off!


Blogger Lee Ann said...

Sounds like you've been working really hard. You definitely deserve a few soaks in the bath Hotboy!
Have a wonderful weekend!

3:36 AM  
Blogger rob said...

I've been eating double yet cannot gain a pound. Still a 9-and-a-half-stone weakling. So across the hemispheres between the New and Old Caledonias, everything is balancing up as usual.

PS A friend (not me) swears by lying semi-exhausted after Mr and Mrs Bates and their son.

6:13 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Lee Ann: Thank you as ever for your kind solicitations!
Siggie! It's you! What do you expect stuffing your face with the herbal viagra and walking around in sarong? You'd be better getting your pecker pecked off by penguins in the Unheard ofs. What ever happened to a healthy bit of anal retention? This Onan the Barbarian malarkey has to stop! It won't help! Hotboy

10:00 AM  
Blogger rob said...

I told you, it's Onan the Bavarian!

10:46 AM  
Blogger rob said...

Incidentally, that's a penanagram of Bonin' the Ovarian. Does that help at all?

10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say!

Once Cabbage is installed as Senior Hotboy Hut Facilities Manager, you can expect an improved diet. I will make sure that he brings some of Doviko's wonderful recipes with him.


11:31 AM  

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