Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ra Filthy Weather!

Tuesday 8:35 p.m.
No wonder all the folk with brains left this country long ago and left us with nobody in Scotland but the severely intellectually challenged ... like moi! So I'm leaving the work at four o clock and it's almost bloody dark already! And the rain is pouring down and I'm on my nazi bike. How did I end up getting to my mid-fifties, being broke, and too stupid to realise that biking is for the summer in this country?

I'll keep doing it due to being broke and it being dead dangerous. I mean, it is! I wear glasses. They don't have windscreen wipers on my glasses anyway. It should be against the law, cycling in the dark with the rain and no windscreen wipers on your glasses! I mean, I can hardly see where I'm going. It shouldn't be allowed, neither it should!

I'm posting tonight because I got a really nice email from Noelle Ashley. She's going to be dead rich and famous, and is a writer from New York. She was also a Miss America contestant for three years in a row and not forty years ago either. (Find a yoga teacher and learn to stop breathing. I'll re-locate my hut to Manhattan when I get rich .... but where would I park my zimmer frame?) She asked if we could link blogs. I emailed and told her I'd love to link blogs with her, but I'm such an old duffer I don't know how. Then, I checked out her jetsetting blog and found this link to RaBlissBlog. That's really sweet! So I'll have to try and find out how to link blogs. Once I have failed again, I will contact Adolf and he's a computer genius and knows about stuff like that.

This is really just for you, Jack, because most folk who come here are too dumb to meditate, and this won't make any sense to them at all!

You're supposed to learn to collect the four blisses if you do this juju. They say you have to heat up a symbol in your head until it melts and the four symbols melt in descending order. Hence, the four blisses. I think the first bliss is described as the absolutely amazing and unforgettable bliss; then they get better.

I don't think you're breathing when this malarkey is going on!

Anyway, though I might be eons from being able to do this, it is creeping up on moi. Or I'm creeping up on it. Slowly slowly catchee monkey.

When you close your eyes, there's like a space there. And zilch. When you're doing ra bliss, this space is much bigger and, well, lighter and blissy. How big can that space get? I'm sure it can get awful, awful big!

If you've got your eyes closed and you're sitting in the light sword, and you start bringing stuff (light) down through the top of your head... well, you can feel something in your head kind of opening up a bit. A good bit more of ra bliss here! Then, you can get some effect from the other three now as well.

It's as if there was a kindness in this. Amazing and wonderful feelings will occur, but nothing too shocking, I think. Every week these days it seems to progress, despite my terrible lack of discipline, but it's going somewhere truly fantastic and it might take a while yet.

So I'm getting some reaction from the four chakras (or those areas) and occasionally the space when your eyes are shut goes ballistic with ra bliss and blows away my arms and legs, and the rest of me as well. Oh, ra bliss, ra bliss, ra bliss!


Blogger Lee Ann said...

I was just contemplating the same thing today....how do you get to this age (so much older)?
Time goes by so fast!

Have a great day!

3:11 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Lee Ann - the alternative is suicide at an early age. So passé nowadays. It's been done to death.

Hotters - actually, you are kidding about the jetsetting blog - that link disnae werk.

Last week you dumped me, this week it's all flattery again. I'm too soft-hearted, I'll do your link if you want.

I suppose you want me to fix a light on the bike while I'm at it?

5:10 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil! Well done, mein Furtherer! I made the link work and thanks for putting the thing into that blogroll thinymajig! It helped! Hotboy p.s. If anyone is wondering how Adolf achieved this feat from the Unheard of Islands ... dopplegangers, as they used to say in the old country before they remembered the multiple personality disorders! pps Are you the same person, Hotboy? I'm the same and also different at the same time.

1:36 PM  

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