Friday, November 03, 2006

Rat Deity Yoga Juju!

Friday 8:36 a.m.
I was up meditating before six this morning. Good boy. On seven out of the last eleven days I've had no pollutants ingested. Good, good boy!

I was saying how clever deity yoga is. You have to remember we're dealing with views here, not the truth. It's finding a more comfortable way of looking at things.

There is only one thing. It might consist of form and emptiness conjoined, but there's only one thing. You are an integral part of that one thing, not a separate part. The separation between you and everything else, this alienation, is the phonus balonus. You want to get rid of that because it breeds anxiety, ra angst!

There are no sentient beings. We arise, abide, and then decline in a great big ocean of consciousness. I have seen that. This does not mean that it is true, but having seen it once for ten seconds, I'm sure that if not true, it is at least more comfortable. So that's where you want to go.

So you're looking a the photie of the lama. The separation that exists between you and him is illusory, like everything else. The lama is turned into Dorje Sempa and has the same mind as Dorje Sempa. You try to see Dorje Sempa kind of hovering over the edge of your mandala (which I'm still rubbish at envisioning!) and you look exactly the same as this light being filled with ra bliss, heat and compassion. You offer everything that exists to the deity. You get the deity over your head, transform it into a light beam and bring it down into you. You are Dorje Sempa in the mandala. You're everything and part of everything. Eventually, that should loosen something up! Isn't that bloody wonderful?

I'm away to Bellshill. That'll be ten percent off the top, please!

5:00 p.m.
On the train back from Bellshill, this big black guy with the African accent starts extolling to everyone in the carraige in this loud booming voice all about Jesus, and God making heaven and hell for the good souls and the disrespectful ones. He hardly stopped for breath between Bellshill and Shotts, about twenty minutes, while these wee Shotts lassies giggled and laughed. As I sat there with my eyes shut doing ra bliss, it was comforting on one level to know that I wasn't the only nutter on the train.

10:28 p.m.
Started hitting the beers half an hour ago! Dearie me!

Accidentally caught this BBC 4 show about time at 7 p.m.

The photon isn't only a particle and a wave. It can exist in two different times. What? Bi-located in time! What?

In black holes time is stopped because of the amount of gravity. (This is Albert Einstein doing our heids in!)

We don't get a big bang followed by a big crunch anymore. We get several different phases of the universe. At some point, there is only black holes left. They leak out. Then we have invisible particles ... yes, photons! ... and time is all funged up. Well, they can exist in time ... different times. Dearie me! All this has completely screwed up my quote. My quote was ... when the interviewer says: How you would like to be remembered, Hotboy? I say: Well before the universe goes crunch, they won't even remember who Jesus Christ was!

After the wonderful BBC Four show about time, I had the most wonderful meditations for nearly two hours. I sat in the first sesssion for one and a half hours and wondered why my legs weren't sore.

I really need to get further under the wing and scrutiny of the Great Buddha, who is my root guru, because ... Oh, ra bliss, ra bliss, ra bliss! I'm surrounded by flatheids and I haven't a clue what the fung is going on!


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Your paragraph about the one thing is music to my ears. At last we see eye to eye, even if only for an instant. We could have got married, but then you lost me in the next para denying the sentient beings.

About the phenomenal ego etc. I read today that the secret of Clive James' career success was "powerful ego and low self-esteem (the carrot and stick of the creative personality)"

That would also explain the secret of my own under-achievement and the source of my haughty arrogance - weak ego and high self-esteem. Clive James succeeded by going from Australia to Britain, while I did the reverse. Everything balances out.

You were asking about the names of those medals - very long words you wouldn't want to try saying, even with your teeth in. You could try practicing on something a bit easier, like "Hefeweissbier"

10:43 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

PS have you seen Lee Ann's HNT this week? It's beautiful:

10:46 AM  
Blogger zomba said...

I say!

I can sympathise. It is very comforting to be in the company of other nutters sometimes.


10:05 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil! You have to stare at the wall until you realise there are no sentient beings. It might be a reminder that you are dealing with appearances, but a tough sweetie nontheless!
Mingin': It takes one to know one! Hotboy

10:15 PM  
Blogger ion said...

Enjoyed the train scene, and the physics.

12:32 PM  

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