Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Rat Samadhi!

A long time ago I was trying to work out how you would get out of karma, which is, I think, one of the things it would be good to do. Then I had this weird dream. It was completely black and the head of the Dalai Lama traversed the blackness from left to right. "Liberation through Samadhi" was all he said. Of course, it was just a dream. So I was looking up Samadhi on the net there and came upon this quote:
"Samadhi is a very difficult state to explain. In fact I do not think anyone has ever explained it. Doctors have tried to analyze it from a medical and physical point of view, and have failed. I have heard it described as "a state of spiritual ecstasy in which consciousness leaves the body." But this is not the whole phenomenon, as the breath stops and so does the beating of the heart. But it is not a form of trance as in the trance state both of these continue. It is claimed that Samadhi is a state attained only by highly Enlightened people--people who have reached Spiritual Illumination. It is a state where the spirit temporarily leaves the body and goes into one of bliss. All the Enlightened Ones who have attained Samadhi describe it as Bliss."
The bold italics are mine. It's from a woman called Merecedes de Acosta, who was hanging about ashrams with Somerset Maughan, apparently.

Gampopa could sit for days at a stretch before he went to see Milarepa. You might wonder why he bothered. But it says this:
" The attainment of Samadhi is not a sufficient cause to eradicate false knowledge, and since false knowledge is the cause of bondage, Samadhi cannot therefore be the cause of liberation."

3:33 p.m.
I've just had a phone call from Adrian Weston saying he wants to represent my new book! He's going to send me a contract. Well, what do you know? Hmmm? I'm trying very hard not to shout yahoo!! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! This is, of course, not a cheque. Yahoo and a few hallelujahs! He's going to look at the kidbooks, etc., as well. Yahoo! And a final yahoo! Thank God I don't have to send out any more emails or write anyone letters, or any of that business stuff which I'm hopeless at and don't care about. Just one more yahoo then!

Adolf, I'm afraid that's you got the sack!

I sent an email to Pat Kavanagh telling her I had someone interested in the book. I did once ask her to marry me, but I was only kidding. She is an agent for Laurie Lee, who is a far better writer than me. Laurie Lee might be a far better writer than just about anyone. Unfortunately, he's deceased now, or we could read even more books by him! She replied: Very Good For You. Mr. Weston's not known to me but he's clearly a man of taste & perspicacity.Pat K

Having been to see the Devil Wears Prada... what a brilliant reply! I told her I'd see her at the awards. Without the emaily thing, we couldn't have a laugh like this!


Blogger ion said...

I claim my 10% off the top! Good news, hotboy.

6:15 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Ion: After curing my skin cancer, I think ten percent is the least you can expect! Hotboy

10:55 PM  
Blogger Lee Ann said...

WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO.....I knew it Hotboy, just a matter of time. Congrats!

Oh, I saw the Devil Wears Prada... twice!

1:20 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Lee Ann: Thanks, Lee Ann. It's 7:17 a.m. here and the world does seem a bit different today! Hotboy

7:29 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Suggested title for next book - As I Blissed Out One Midsummer Morning.

Suggestion not for use if you're dumping me. I won't have you sharing it with another man.

11:33 PM  

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