Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Ra Ross!

Tuesday 11.00 p.m.
He stoppeth one of three... so I was down in the bowels of Ayrshire, and I was speaking to the boy who'd been partying for four days and nights with the Bolivian Marching Band, and, lo! what wisdom the boy spoke!

He was talking about stopping being a pisshead. He said willpower wasn't enough because of the internal voice, which is a lying wee basturn. That's the one which says it's okay to have another drink even although you should have begged for the dialysis machine days before. Anyway, this sung to me. I wrote about this in my book called The Buddha and The Big Bad Wolf, which had a readership of four extremely fortunate people. He said willpower was not enough when you were a pisshead and what you needed .... then, he leaned into me and said: Do you believe in a higher force? I said yes.

He said I was half way there ... to the cure!

I do not believe in a higher force. I have seen the higher force. This is called the path of seeing. Hey! Here comes the view of the higher force. In the Amazing Bloggy Church of the Bad Boy Blissheid, we don't allow ourselves to believe in things, especially thoughts. So though we were gifted with a view of the higher force once for maybe ten seconds, we're certainly not going to abandon our scepticism for that!

All this was fitting in very well with the stuff I'd been reading by William James in the Varieties of Religious Experience. The descriptions of the pisshead conversions. You get to asking the polis to put you in the cell after you've been doing the DTs for four nights in a row and you ask for Jesus. And, lo, Jesus will come into your life in extremis and push all that other desirous stuff out to the margins. This is definitely a plus thing for the joe or josephine.

William James has allowed me to understand what being born again is. I didn't know what it was, or I've forgotten how it worked for the 25 years since I read the book first of all.

It's given me some sympathy for George Bush, who I think found God so he could get off the sauce or leave the Marching Band. However, we have now arrived at the emptiness of the emptiness. I have seen the Big Mind. I don't have to believe in it. But, of course, I don't accept it. Believing, accepting ... we can do better than that! In the illusory nature of reality, you should not succumb to the Big Mind just because it is an more comfortable illusion.

I think this is a half pissed post about ra emptiness of ra emptiness, or the voidness of the voidness. There's a lot of voidness out there!

I read something about the 12 links of dependent origination today. Volitional impulses. That means, I think, stuff you want to do. What a bugger that is! Chain me to the wall! Chain me to the wall! Tilopa got chained to the wall for 12 years. Hmmm? I'd like to go to jail now, please. Solitary confinement. Just the job!

Wednesday 10:50 p.m.
I wrote the above after watching Celtic gub Benfica three nil. Most satisfying evening with the beer and the telly.

Consequently, I've taken the morning off work, which is great, and will now meditate till lunchtime. If it doesn't rain this afternoon, I will go for a long cycle run so that I will be able to enjoy cycling up hills. How weird is that?


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Congrats re the embedded link. Don't stop, it's a relief from the god and the football.

12:00 PM  
Blogger ion said...

Sport and all that competition puzzle me, and that G-d geezer is a sick one with the 12 steps predicated on his higher authority.

2:23 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil! Sandy was bothered about nobody going to her bloggy. It doesn't bother me, but what the hell?
Ion:I went to boxing because I couldn't compere with anyone. I find very competitive people a bit worrying. You have to in boxing or you get battered! I don't know what the 12 steps are, but if the method gets folk to stop drinking themselves to death, I'm not knocking it.Hotboy

6:16 PM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

I used to go to a 12-step group. I think I got to number 2. A bit like the meditation.

11:37 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

PS - Bush thinks he is the Big Mind.

11:39 AM  
Blogger zomba said...

My goodness!

"...the 12 links of dependent origination" - are you on the maths again?


9:18 PM  

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