Friday, June 02, 2006

Ra Day!

Saturday 9 a.m.
I was dead crabbit yesterday. As soon as I try to be nice and normal, it puts me in a bad mood. I don't need to be nice and normal. I need to carve out the time to write a book and do the juju. But thank God I got to the allotment last night. After Bellshill, I spent three hours sitting quietly doing nothing, and then started to feel wonderful again.

So I've been up since six and the meditations have been just fabulous. I'm quite looking forward to this afternoon now.

There's a CV thing on my webpage, a list of writings I got paid for. If you've ever looked at it, you can see that I used to write radio drama. I think I might have been quite good at that. Someone who used to be a radio drama producer, and a very good one, is holding a seminar this afternoon at the Traverse Theatre about writing comedy for the telly. It wasn't an invite. Costs £5. Be interesting though. Might see someone I used to know.

6:40 p.m.
Tried to be normal again and completely blew it. So there's this seminar thingy about how to write sit-c0ms in the Traverse and the guy, who is the head of almost everything in commissioning in the BBC, gives us this talk about scripts and what makes a sit com script, and it's really good. The woman I met once twenty years ago wasn't going to show up. Then he put on a sitcom for us to watch. It was Alan Partridge. I am not too sure what this is since I don't watch sit-c0ms , but as I'm watching it I can spot who is going to be the next stars of sit com writing: they are laughing. I laugh twice. I think all the folk who are involved in anything to do with this Alan Partridge shite should be disembowelled on the spot. Anyway, all these folk are dead clever and they all think it is great. The boy says that we should have a break and when we come back we can spend some time writing three paragraphas so we can pitch this shite to guys like him

They've started selling draft Erdinger in the Traverse Bar. It's very hot outside and theTraverse Bar is pretty subterranean. So I'm reading The Book Of The Three Inspirations and sipping Erdinger. If the boy had said we want six episodes like this ... well, I could have done that. I think quite clearly: Yes, I can do that. But can I speak to these people about doing that? Can I even imagine getting my wee self worked up so that I could try to impress a flatheid like that? No,no, no. I think young people should try to become something. Like, tv writers.

So when they're dead old and have written the wonderful tv sitcoms, etc., and are starting to die ... well, what it comes down to is this: Can you are can you not do ra bliss?

Very nice people will come here soon for their dinner. Two of them will be young. I really like seeing young people. They cannot do ra bliss and they have no understanding of emptiness. But anything is better than all these old people! I'm 55, but I definitely want to have done the necessary before I'm 60. Why live any longer than that? What for?

Might be a good time to get a cannybliss yogurt on board. Two hours on and I'll be in California.


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

An alienating experience. My own life used to be full of them, but then I came to live in the UnHeard Ofs, where everyone is a second-rater (is that from Greene, or Sartre maybe?). Being UnHeard Of means never having to feel you're inferior, because so is everyone else. It might help you too. When are you coming back to sit in the cave?

No offence, but I used to find some of the Alan Partridge Shows hilarious. Much funnier than The Office. But it sounds like British TV has run out of inspiration, so they're trying to seed some new talent by showing them what they should rehash.

I listen to Radio Scotland on the web sometimes. What's happened? The presentation is so relentless, it's exhausting to listen to. I reckon they're scared people will switch off if there isn't continual attention-grabbing activity. Thank goodness we're still living in the 1970s here.

9:51 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Is it Gaynor MacFarlane?

9:54 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Gaynor who?

5:25 PM  

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