Sunday, June 26, 2005

Rem Voodoo Dolls!

The meditations this morning were being ruined a bit by intrusive thoughts about work. This is Sunday morning. The last time I was at work was noon on Wednesday! Why am I letting this stupid little part time job bother me at all? I suppose it's because you want to do the right thing. Something karmically positive.

I think I blogged a couple of months ago about going to hell. Tibetan Buddhists have got all kinds of hells! It said in this book you might go to hell if you got siddhis before you lost your false sense of self. If we assume hell means a bad mental state, you can look at this as the Darth Vader syndrome.

Say there were things called siddhis i.e. yogic powers i.e. magic. At some point in the path to enlightenment some yogis are supposed to get these powers. There may be some rituals involved, but these powers must be motored by the power of thought i.e. if you can think things in a certain way, you can affect the material world.

If you haven't lost your false sense of self, some people you will not like. At what point can you affect people, not things, by directing certain kinds of thoughts at them? Your thoughts should be benificent, (they would be if you'd lost yourself a bit in the universal), but what if you did a voodoo doll thing. What if you made a drawing of someone and decided to go for their arm? I could easily do this this afternoon. I could gaze at such a drawing all afternoon. Actually, if I wanted to, I could do it all day. Directing malice at folk is not what a buddhist should be doing! But would it work? It would certainly be bad for me, but would it be bad for the object I'm directing the malice towards?

Milarepa is the granddaddy of the Six Dharmas. He killed twenty or thirty people before he started on this juju. I believe the stories. I think you could do this stuff at some point. To me, it's a matter of when and if you'd want to. It would definitely be better to have overloaded on compassion before you get near expertise in this stuff.

The novel I haven't been writing since Wednesday is going to end in a scenario something like this. I've only got a couple of pages left to finish the first draft. But I haven't been writing it since my mood has been a bit too preoccupied and I don't want to write about malice at this time. But loss of a false sense of self is the essential thing.

It's still a beautiful, sunny day. Brian Wilson and his chimp are rowing south, but stormy weather has hampered communications. If they get here this afternoon, we may cycle round the volcano and see if we can find Adolf for a boxing match. Me and the chimp will be in Brian's corner. Adolf will have to make do with some nazi penguins. We will have to agree some rules about the wearing of trusses and supports and also whether or not biting with the false teeth is allowed, but today some fun should be had by all!

Brian Wilson's rowing boat was sunk by penguins when they heard he was going to be Adolf's opponent. They remembered him from the last time he was in these parts. Fortunately, all those years of his life spent listening to the Beach Boys was not wasted and he and the chimp managed to surf onto McDonald Island. Here on he Unheard of Island I watched through my telescope. I decided just to cycle round the volcano on my own.

I bumped into Shiva as I cycled round a bend and we said hullo. Shiva is on a different path and has little chance of going mad, or going on fire, or anything interesting like that, but he certainly isn't a flatheid. I haven't seen him much recently since he practically lives in the Himalayas, but we used to spend a lot of time together. I said if everything is essentially void, why don't I get a Bulldog 44 like the sensei and just let them have it.

Shiva said the volcano is made of the same stuff as the sun, but not so hot. If the volcano explodes, everything all around will get it in the neck. We must take the volcano apart piece by piece. The sun is even hotter than the volcano, but it just heats folk up. Let's salute to the sun.

We did 54 rounds of sun salutations. That took an hour. After five minutes, I was sliding in the puddles of sweat. Love stuff like that. Just what the doctor ordered. A doing. A purging. Made a date to do it again on Wednesday afternoon. This might be auspicious.


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

About not liking people if you haven't lost your false sense of self. That explains why I find loving everybody

By the way, thanks for the feedback on the template, which I agree looks nauseating in Internet Explorer here at work (yet beautiful in Firefox, my browser at home).

The penguins on the far side of the island sunk Brian not out of dislike for him (what's to dislike?) but out of loyalty to myself. I did after all provide them, albeit reluctantly, with refreshment at their last all-night rave. They know which side their beer is bottled on.

5:14 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Apologies to all your readers about the dodgy link, it should have been:

5:17 AM  
Blogger Alfonzo said...

hey, im doing a short presentation about Buddhism in the west. I was wondering if you could help me with a few short questions? Any help would be appriciated :)

contact me at if you wouldnt mind answering some questions. Thanks

9:18 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

alfonzo, you could just stick the questions here, don't worry, we're all amateurs here anyway.

12:11 AM  

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