Monday, June 20, 2005

Ra Sunny Day!

Superb meditation first thing today. Might be a present for being good! That's two Monday morning meditations in a row that have been brilliant. Once I used to think that Monday would zing along as long as I had four hours meditation under my belt on Sunday. But this morning was right into steady, heavy white light bliss. Not much thinking there at all. Just being in ra bliss first thing. Most encouraging.

I sent out about ten to fifteen emails today. That's got to be 150-200 emails since the start of February and I think that's enough of that. I'll develope my tactics. Ze vill be sorry!

I reckoned if Anajali Pratap had emailed today, I might have stood a chance of getting an agent for Bugtown. If she'd emailed me today, she would have read it over the weekend. No email. It'll be sitting in a slush pile at AP WAtt waiting for the one eyed purple paper eater to lurch over and throw it in the bin. So pleased I didn't waste money posting it to them! Ha!


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

The one eyed purple paper eater - tha's a coincidence, the dog slingshot that I lost last week ($29 for a new one!) was purple too! And just this morning, after reading your blog, the greengrocer handed it back to me. It seems I had left it behind when I bought the cucumbers last week.

Spooky or what?

PS - I have straightened things out with michi, and I think she's getting over it at last. She's decided to see someone else to help her forget.

6:04 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

I meant I had read your blog this morning, not the greengrocer.

Or maybe he did! You move in mysterious ways, oh blissmaster.

6:07 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

I discovered all these marriage proposals today and was much amazed. You'll never get a bride looking like a dog, even I know that much. Hotboy

5:44 PM  

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