Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Ris Great Bliss!

I slept in today which is very unusual. I blame it on The Lou Reed Special Brew, but it gave me a rare opportunity to go outside and get to work without meditating first. I could remember being a flatheid! It's crap being a flatheid. You don't go around with any special delight in emanating into the wonderful day or anything. You're trying to manage.

Speaking of flatheids, Dora has emailed me to say that she has successfully rowed round the world and is now back in Ayrshire. If she sticks with the meditation sessions she's started, in about five years time .... we can start a hotboy and hotgirl club! Maybe sooner. Of course, I did say this to my pairbond about ten years ago. If you do this, within five years you will certainly have access to ra bliss. I wouldn't mind if it wasn't for the five year you have to wait, she says. So ten years later, she hasn't done it and of course knows bog all about ra bliss. Where has the time gone when she could have been meditating? Did she achieve anything else by not meditating, apart from getting older. I'm afraid not. Time spent meditating is not wasted. It's like putting money in the bank. It pays dividends.

Of course, you have to feel compassion and sympathy for flatheids because if you were that dumb yourself .... it's a shame you can't just give it to them. Most of them are much nicer than me. A lot of them are much cleverer. Nice, clever stupid people.

The only other way to become enlightened is to read BOMBER, available free from my webpage. From reading this you will inadvertently learn how to make a remote controlled explosive device. Once you have brought this to Edinburgh for the G8 summit in a couple of weeks, you can almost guarantee twenty years in jail. Get into solitary and refuse to come out until you can levitate! Actually, if someone read it and thought it was crap, I wouldn't have to read it myself.

It takes a lot of effort at first, but if you start meditating after a wee while you'll probably fall in love with it. Or it's not for you. As someone into experiential mysticism and who only really and truly believes in the illusory nature of reality, why I am getting so much of ra bliss is open to question. In the last year or so the progress has really been something else. Today on the bus to work, I had just to close my eyes and a few seconds later the bliss is there and in huge dollops. I have to thank my connections with the Samye Ling for most of this. I have to thank somebody. I don't think I can take the credit. Bad boys get bliss too!


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