Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Ra Light in the Dark!

Just found out that Michi Regier has read Light in the Dark! That's really amazing. Nobody has read The Buddha and the Big Bad Wolf and Light in the Dark. The latter is one of the books that will go into this wee competition against two of Rosemary Canter's books, but I think I'll have to re-write bits of it first. But fancy someone reading two of the books on that site. That's made putting it up worth it really.

The comment on the previous post is from her. She doesn't say anything about the book, but she seems to have got through it. You're supposed to be twelve, but that's really cheered me up anyway. She refused to become my agent after reading The Buddha and the Big Bad Wolf, but maybe she'll change her mind. Two books, eh? I wonder if she knows Sean Connery. Sean Connery for the sage!! A handsome two hundred year old guy. Got to be Sean Connery.

I emailed both Anjali Patrap and Martina Devris today. About their contact yesterday. Anjali Patrap got back to me. She has a section in the AP Watt site. At least one of her current writers is into kidbooks. She should email Michi and ask what she thought of Light in the Dark. I wonder why she picked that one?

I came to the machine to blog about ra bliss! The progress is a wee bit amazing really. I was sitting tonight in ra bliss and wondered (you can do that after you've been meditating for a while!) if this bliss was astonishing. I got some bliss down at the Samye Ling once and thought (for you can think as well at this stage of the game. When you first start meditating, one stray thought and it's gone!) this is astonishing! I think that was last year. Was it as good as astonishing? More or less the same, but I wasn't astonished because I'm more used to it now.

But some bits of that meditation (about six p.m. to seven) were astonishing. This inner heat tummo stuff is really taking off this week. Is this a sudden acceleration? Will it stop? Who knows. A couple of times this week it's started off deeply, deeply blissful almost from the word go. Also, the heat thing is working.

On Hogmanay, I felt as if something had changed when meditating a few hours before the bells. Sometimes it feels as if you're hitting bliss blocks and disappearing them so that you're in another part almost. That was a heat thing, as I remember. I told people I'd be able to dry stuff off this year. Well, I won't, but .... I wish somebody else would tell me about ra bliss as well. Folk from buddhist blogs have been hitting this site. Nae bliss, eh?

One of the reasons I got ra bliss in the first place is because I tried hard. I still try hard. Apart from that .... almost everyone else has led a more saintly life. I'm not kidding. If you don't get any of ra bliss yet, try hard and you're bound to get some. HotboyMadyamikaSurfingtheOceansofBliss


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

hotboy, my bliss-free life has strengthened my critical faculties to the point where I can spot a spoof a mile away.

Anjali Patrap indeed! Anjali Patrap is an anagram of PAPAL ANTI RAJ!

And Martina Devris is an anagram of TIM ERRS VIA DAN.

Either Brian Wilson is pulling your catholic-buddhist leg, or you're in on it too. What a wise blissmaster, setting it as a Zen challenge.

On second thoughts, if it's not Brian, it could be Menzies Milngavie who's behind it all - Martina Devris also spells
and that would make Anjali Patrap

I rest my case.

11:38 PM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

I was about to point out that Michi Regier (I, REICH GRIME) is obviously a fake too, when I came upon her blog. Not only is she real, but I love her prose and herself. She writes so nicely, and her life sounds great. E.g. "you hang around these folks, you end up in beautiful places with intelligent women, eating great food. Oh, yeah, and surrounded by great music." Or what about "naked hiking, napping in warm pools"? AND she plays the fiddle!

Okay, she can't always spell, but I'd be prepared to overlook that.

And it's true that she already sleeps with someone called Pikey, but I think Pikey may be a dog, because in bed he pesters her by gnawing his feet as they rub against her. I love dogs, and I don't chew my feet, so it looks like she and I are made for each other.

What do you think? Will you and still speak if I take up with her?

8:58 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

All's fair in love and war, Adolf. But she might object to the involuntary goosestepping! Hotboy

11:58 AM  

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