Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Ra Here we go!

Wednesday 1:30p.m.
Hello there, Jack the Spam Robot. And you Masai Warriors. And Penguins. If you're looking for wee tee shirt competitions ... well, maybe a wee bit later.

This is the best feeling from leaving work I can remember. Ra bliss! Can hardly wait. This morning the head was stuck straight into ra bliss. But a little bit different again. A little bit developed. Huge oddles of boundless bliss are coming my way over the next couple of days and all I have to do is sit quietly doing nothing. Things are weird, but I'm so pleased I kept practising. So pleased.

No word yet from Julia Churchill. Be ridiculous to get a positive (Yes, you will land on some money) response to Light in the Dark. Everything else is going to be so wonderful. What do you want? I want to have access to ra bliss. When can you get it? I can get it now! What more can a body ask for? Here comes ra bliss!!!

8:10 p.m.
Trotsky once decribed progress as being like someone on a pilgrimage towards a sacred site. You get closer sometimes and sometimes you get further away, but over the course of time you're always gettting closer. Ra bliss is very like this. You hit peaks.
For instance, the end result of straightforward calming meditation is physical bliss and mental ecstasy. When you think you might have reached this condition you may allow yourself to think Wow! But the next time you meditate you might not be that far. It's as if you've reached out and touched a point, but once you've touched it you'll be back there sometime.

Ra bliss of course is compounded, made up of things and, therefore, changes. Since I first thought I was in physical bliss and mental ecstasy, I've revisited that spot again and again and sometimes it has even felt more intense, but the first time sticks in my mind. You can get used to anything.

So while surfing the oceans of bliss, you may find yourself sometimes in a hollow. The hollow will still be very blissful, but then here comes the surf. The surf's up! What kind of wave is this? It's a monster, a hugeness of ephemeral effervescense! Ra bliss!

Of course, most of the visitors to this blog are perverts. But perverts can still get ra bliss. If you're a pervert and want to find out how to get your head stuck in ra bliss, you could do better than to look here.

If you want to read my book called Light in the Dark, which will have Sean Connery playing the sage (It will! Someday!) , you should go to my webpage. If you like thrillers, download Bomber.

On April 6th 2003 I got the first real arousal of heat from the navel chakra. A most remembered event. Never been quite so like that since though sometimes ... tomorrow ... I won't have to see anyone tomorrow till about eleven at night. I think at some point you grow to love the solitude. That's why they don't want to come out and help the flatheids once they've been in the cave for a few years. There's nothing as interesting as your own mind. How could there be anything as interesting? I once wrote a good line: The mind game is the only game in town. How true!



Blogger Lee Ann said...

Stay positive, Hotboy! ;)

2:08 PM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Hotboy. Very true, though there are occasional recesses of other people's that are quite entertaining too.

9:12 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! You drag me in. Other recesseses? Only a fellow who could spell donnyrehab could write a line like that! Hope this helps. The first line of the new german drinking song is .... My shot is .. When the cool hills of China favoured me, Oh yeah!

10:35 PM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

I can't make you out hotboy, you're breaking up. Could you try talking a bit simpler, I'm only a common old working chap, not one of you creative types. Alternatively, you could try posting sober.

I have some great news. I have found a model for the wet bliss teeshirt campaign.

Must visit Carsey now, it seems he's had a late entry.

10:59 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

Hey, why don't you rename your book "A dark in the light" It means the same thing, but it might catch the attention of these publishing types and it makes you sound all clever and cheeky. Best of luch Ra Hotboy!

11:36 PM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

11:53 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Zeig! Stop putting porn links in comments as innocent writers sometimes come to this blog looking for stuff about agents! And your mother reads it regularly. She does!
Heather: Not a bad idea about the title!

9:37 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Agreed, though it was a bona fide Half Narcissistic Therapy site. Self-expression could help you too.

7:12 PM  

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