Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Rat Funny Feeling

Did a few deep breaths at the weekend and noticed something funny. I can hold my breath for far longer than I used to be able to. This is weird. Sometimes I can do it and sometimes I can't. It depends.

In inner heat meditations, once the "airs" have entered the "central channel", you should be able to know this because the breath gets subtle. Or maybe subtler and subtler. With meditation your breathing should drop by 17 percent anyway. Deep sleep drops it 10%. So there is something happening with my breathing at the moment.

Also, the "space" after the breath is released is there much easier since last week. I think now this "space" is definitely where I should be going. For ra bliss, ra bliss, ra bliss!

As far as agents are concerned, I'm sending a supplementary package to Pat Kavanagh of PFD. I sent 50 pages of Bomber and my friend Barry says that might have been the wrong thing to send. So I sent the first fifty pages of the Buddha and the Big Bad Wolf along with the first chapter of the book I'm working on. Then I'll just have to wait until this stuff gets thrown in the bin and I can go on to hassle some other poor person. (Or rich poor person!)

I expect sometime this year to have every cell in my body bursting with bliss. At least, sometimes. What a wonderful, wonderful prospect!!


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