Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Ra Heat

I sent an email to James Gill of PFD this morning. After getting a fung off from Simon Trewin, that shows at least that you can get through to someone with these emails. From now on, I'll send one a day until someone tells me they're interested in looking at some stuff.

The creepy thing does make you pause for thought. The creepy thing is a bit odd and quite physical. The light is just the light. It's good in itself and does have lots of potential for ra bliss.
But ra heat is scary. You can imagine ra heat going to parts of your body it shouldn't and burning your wiring asunder. Ra heat is hot!!

Raising inner heat is the heart practise of the Six Yogas of Naropa. You raise inner heat by concentrating on a symbol beneath your navel and back a bit. The heat will rise easier if the symbol is there. You have to put it there by imagining it being there. There is a big difference, I think, between you imagining it being there and it being there.

If your concentration is good enough, you should be able to heat other parts of your body. Your finger? You should be able to make your finger get warm by thinking about it.

If you're anywhere near the stage of raising inner heat, you need a guru. Inner heat seems to me to be intrinsically dangerous. You need somebody even for reassurance.

So we've got some light, bliss and heat. Ra bliss when it comes with the heat ....


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