Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Ra Breath and Ra Bliss

How can ra breath be connected to ra bliss? There must be something odd going on here. If you get to the stage when you can take a big breath and on the exhalation get a surge of ra bliss, you are indeed a fortunate creature. You can get out of your face on air! This is the hit at the end of the universe.

There might be something in the air which somehow comes into you and does this. It might be called prana. It might be called lots of things. But what is it?

And how come it didn't do it before?

And how come you can get it by going mumbo jumbo mumbo jumbo to yourself? This truly is a wonderment.

Brian Wilson has stolen the name RaBlissBlog and is writing about his forthcoming sex change. At least, he'll be having fun soon.

Pat Kavanagh of PFD was the next one up. I was going to send an email a day to the list in Everyone who is Anyone, but she sent me a really nice email saying I hadn't a clue how to go about getting an agent and I should send her three chapters (so she could throw them in the bin). But the people at PFD have answered their emails (apart from Major Major). This amazes me.

The reason why I won't get an agent is because I don't know anyone. The only person I know is Brian Wilson. No, I know Barry Graham though he's now living in the woods in Tennessee. Barry gave me a publishers home address to send a typescript to and that's how I got a book published. See? It's who you know.

I'm trying to stop calling folk who don't meditate flatheids. I think I'll start calling them Evolutionary Tails, or E.T.s. ETs sound cuddlier than flatheids.


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