Sunday, March 13, 2005

Ra bliss, ra bliss, ra bliss

Got a bit fed up yesterday about all the folk I know who are scheduled for the grief, sorrow, lamentations ... who don't get ra bliss. I've started thinking people who don't get ra bliss or try to get ra bliss are kind of .... well, just being stupid. It's as if we were given a mind and the instructions along with it said that we had to look both ways. If you only look one way, it doesn't work right. Well, it wouldn't, would it?

Haven't blogged about ra bliss for a few days, but today I found having this blog useful. You forget what's been going on.

Today the breathing started with these odd long ones ... ones when you seem to be able to hold the breath for a lot longer than usual ... and just kept getting better. A great deal of calm, which I what I'm loooking for. Should have some wonderful meditations this evening. Only stopped to write my book, but got caught up in this.

I've had to pause in the war against the agents since I sent out the supplementary package to PFD. If I play to the rules and wait till they tell me to fung off, I won't be able to harass anyone else for a couple of weeks.


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