Saturday, September 23, 2006

Rat Vase Breathing Again!

Saturday 1:10 p.m.
Hello, Jack the Spam Robot, the Masai Warriors, aliens and unfortunate Arabian people looking for hotboys! Two people came to the Amazing Bloggy Church of the Bad Boy Blissheid yesterday looking for information on vase breathing, or the vase breath. These fortunate creatures must meditate.

You can read about how to do this pranayama in The Bliss of Inner Fire by Lama Thebten Yeshe. From my own experience I must say that once you have made a connection between breath and bliss, you can hit indescribable levels of wonderful bliss, the seventh heaven of sensation, with vase breathing so long as you've got your discipline in order and have a calmed enough mind.

But everyone tells you it's dangerous and you shouldn't do it unless you are under the guidance of someone who has at least realised mahamudra, or emptiness.

Some times this morning I was doing the three turnings of the wheel of dharma. Apparently, this will get you where you have to go.

You negate the false sense of self in yourself, and then negate it in the outside world. Appearance and emptiness arising at the one time.

What's coming first here? It has to be your mind. You are the one who is perceiving, so it takes a bit for the information to reach you. The third turning of the wheel is the hard bit, I think. You have to be arising with the object you are perceiving simultaneously, so that you are arising, abiding and declining with everything else, including thoughts, in the great big ocean of consciousness. Sorry if you're not interested in this stuff, Jack!

The radio is tuned into Celtic Park. The Fields of Athenry is being played over the loudspeaker system.

So much bliss this morning! Started about eight. Oh, ra bliss, ra bliss, ra bliss!

If I was disciplined enough I wouldn't have been watching the news over the past few days. The Alamo is on the telly this afternoon. The roadshow is being played out in Afghanistan right now. The flies are conquering the flypaper. It's Dien Bien Phu all over again. Our government's foreign policy is so incredibly stupid it's almost beyond belief! And it's getting a lot of people killed for nothing. Dearie me!

6:30 p.m.
Whilst dropping sweat from the Beer Monster Reduction Vehicle onto the keyboard. ..

Lovely day again! What's going on? I spent some of it in the Botanical Gardens and managed to read the first chapter of The Varieties of Religion Experience. The James boy seems to be saying that even if some of the religious giants could be described as pathological nutters, that doesn't really matter. What matters is the validity of the results of the juju. Don't look at the roots; look at the fruits. How reassuring!


Blogger Lee Ann said...

It does sound like a lovely day there. If I can ever make it over there to sitesee your beautiful part of the world, will you give the full tour?
Have a wonderful day Hotboy!

5:56 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Lee Ann. The weather has completely changed today! Almost constant rain. Weird, weird weather. But if you ever made it to chilly jockoland, of course, I'd show you around, Lee Ann! At least, around Edinburgh. There's a castle here as well. It's on the main street! Hotboy

6:37 PM  
Blogger zomba said...

I say Hotboy!

The Dalai Lama says that abstinence is at the heart of Buddhism.

Would you agree?


8:38 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Mingin'! Buddhism is a bigger subject than I'll ever encompass. Did the DL say that? Well, if so, what did he mean? The DL knows more about Buddhism than I'll ever know. I believe in not believing in any things, especially thoughts. I believe in voidness, emptiness.Buddhism is what you want it to be, for me. For me, the heart of Buddhism is emptiness... and, of course, ra bliss! Hope this helps. Since you don't meditate, you might as well go and blow your brains out anyway! Hope this helps. Hotboy

10:52 PM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Nothing exists, etc. Prost!

2:55 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil! Prost? I think according to the Prasangika Madyamika school things exist, but not the way you think they exist, sort of. This is supposed to be important, I think, because of the way you deal with attraction/repulsion, emotions, etc. But you could just do ra bliss and bugger all that! Hotboy

3:26 PM  
Blogger Lee Ann said...

Thank you Hotboy....this isn't one of your lies you are telling me because you have such a good memory is it?
I would love to see the Castle, you know I would feel right at home! ;) ::wink:: ::wink::

6:13 PM  

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