Thursday, September 21, 2006

Ra Bliss Day!

Thursday 1:10 p.m.
What a great day for ra bliss so far! Great oddles of ra bliss occasionally interupted by thoughts of how to get Adolf a literary agent. So I thought I'd try out a first draft attempt at a killer email to succeed in this quest.

Remember Adolf all you have to do is change your name to Karma Dorje since that's the name of the narrator. Also, answer all questions in German or just scream Spraken de Deutsch! And achtung a lot! But grow the beard and wear a floral print dress. That would help. Here we go. First draft of a killer email to a literary agent!

Dear Friendly Person,

Before he set sail for the Antarctic Ocean to meditate in the caves of the Unheard of and McDonald Islands, Karma Dorje left in my safe keeping MY NEW BOOk. This is essentially an autobiographical memoir in the form of a novel set in a bog standard comprehensive school in Edinburgh, detailing the till recently secret methods for attaining magical powers as practised by buddhist initiates in hermitages and caves in the lonely vastnesses of Tibet.

This book is bound to become a classic in experiential mysticism to compare with The Interior Castle by St Teresa of Avila, which has never been out of print since it was written in the 16th century, and has been, indeed, a nice little earner. So you are a fortunate creature to have been chosen at random from the website Everyone Who Is Anyone ... to receive this opportunity to represent this beautifully written work of art and make pots of money!

I do not wish to set off a feeding frenzy among various literary agencies, so I will not contact any other persons with this offer until you get back to me, or until three working days have passed. Yours, HotboyMadyamikaSurfingTheOceansOfBLiss P.S. You can find out more about me by looking at the website at

What do you think? Got to be a winner!

9:00 p.m.
It was hot today as I walked to the allotment at circa 3:30 p.m. Hot in Scotland on September 21st. Surely shum mishtake!


Blogger Lee Ann said...

You are always so kind and considerate. We love you Hotboy.
Thank you for the birthday wishes!

4:01 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

You'll have more success if you enclose the pic of me in Bunkertown.

Heat wave here too.

5:55 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Lee Ann: Happy Birthday again!
Adolf! Heil! Think showbiz! Think big beard, floral print dress and maybe getting all your teeth pulled out so you could cover your nose with your bottom lip! That would help! Hotboy p.s. What are you doing up at this time in the morning?

7:58 AM  

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