Monday, June 19, 2006

Rem Werewolves again!

Monday 5:00 p.m.
So I'm watching the footie last night and I start to feel this nice feeling happening in my upper torso. It's the sheath coming to visit, a bit of kundalini arising maybe. It's going to bring with it ra bliss and probably some heat if you do a breath. I wasn't quite expecting this and it feels nice so I'm not complaining.

A physical sign that the inner heat/vase breathing thing is going to work is that the air should go up both nostrils equally. This apparently occurs for a wee while like clockwork throughout the day, but is most noticeable naturally at dawn and dusk.

Dusk in Scotland can start at half three in the winter or at ten at night these days, so you wonder how this breathing thing might work. What's happening at dawn and dusk which would affect your breathing? Say you were in a windowless room. Would it work then?

So I'm in the kitchen and there's quite a big window there. As I'm getting these very nice feelings starting, I look over and it's the twilight. I was dead impressed.

I wondered if I could emanate as a werewolf instead of a deity. Werewolves, chickens, deities?Not much of a difference really if you're talking about transcending the human condition.

If folk can hypnotise you so you think you're a chicken, why not? If you emanated as a werewolf, you could have a perfect hairstyle.

I used Adolf's blog to find out about Narcissistic Personality disorder the last time I did any proper writing because I'm using it in my novel. If he could start suing straight away, well, any publicity might be good publicity. The Daily Sport (nipple count never drops below fifty, but trusted by one and all for it's truthful reporting!) might go for it: ADOLF HITLER'S RE-INCARNATION SUES FROM THE UNHEARD OF ISLAND!

Tuesday 5:46 p.m.
I got an email from the sensei and reverend saying that the agent I sent the book to didn't want to see any more than the first three chapters. It defies belief! What have you got to do? When you think of all the crap books that get published as well. Oh well! I'm going to try somebody else. I'll get on the case tomorrow.

This next draft of my current novel has only a couple of hours work left in it. I hope I'll have it by the weekend. If I had sufficient money, I don't think I'd bother trying to get it published when I finish all the re-writes. I'd just stick in on my webpage. Writing is good. All the rest is a pile of crap!

This morning I realised once again how much I've moved on with development of this inner heat juju. First breath and you're straight into bliss and heat. You feel very nice straight away. It just keeps relentlessly getting better and better. As you can imagine, this really cheered me up this morning. Soon I expect to be able to prevail against the cold, at least a bit. Of course, this is completely amazing. Making some kind of connection with the people down at the Samye Ling has been the best thing that ever happened to me. By miles.

My roots are Scottish and Northern Irish (both tims and prods. How ecumenical can you get!). I've got fair hair. Northern Ireland was once run by the vikings. They were fair haired. So as far as I can see I've ever right to don the viking helmet tonight and shout: Go, Sweden, go! So there.


Blogger Kelly said...

In response to your question, "A gamer is, in a general sense, one who plays games. However, gamers are distinct from simple game players by their devotion to gaming as a hobby: they are game fans (wikipedia)." As for gunshots, I have lived in austin two years and not one shot has been heard. It is the third best city to live in, in the U.S.

7:39 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

My Utopiap: Thanks for that! Games? This might be something young computery people do. Brian Wilson has a relative who plays games online with 80 other folk at the one time. What's all that about? No wonder our football team is crap! Hotboy

10:08 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

This is just for me. Wee Henrik scored against the Englanders. He looked so happy he'll probably fail the drug test, like Diego did. The end of a career. Just being there freaked out the whole English defense! The Fatherland will beat the Turnips, but he really did look happy. Made the best of himself; comported himself very well. Just put the ball in the net against anyone. And he liked it up here playing for the tims in chilly jockoland! Goodbye, Henrik! I'm so pleased you scored. I made me so happy as well! A multicultural Jock Swede sticking it to the little Englanders. In the last minute! What more can a body ask for? TumsheeBoy

11:02 PM  
Blogger Lelly said...

I've just returned from working in Northern Ireland, hence not replying to your comment earlier,HB. The 'slightly scary' thing about your '6 wierd things' post was your vitriol towards the middle-classes, because I suspect I fall into that category, and as I enjoy your blog and viewpoint generally I would rather you felt more benevolently instead...See?(but your follow-up post was more reassuring)

9:48 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Lelly: My friends are all middle class. I've got a lower middle class job. When I was young, I didn't know any middle class people. Harold MacMillan said the way to stop revolutions was to make the proletariat bourgeois. Or as German history illustrates: you don't go to revolutions in a volkswagen. I don't really hate anyone.Sometimes I like winding folk up though when I've had a few beers. The stuff about meditation in this blog is serious. Take anything else with a pinch of salt. Hotboy

1:54 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Just remembered. Oswald Mosley, before he became a fascist, came out with a great line about loving the middle classes: Vote Labour, sleep Tory. Hotboy

1:59 PM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Wolf boy! How do we know the bliss isn't a wind-up as well? Remember the boy who cried werewolf.

You're welcome to use the NPD stuff if it helps. Let me know if you need any other afflictions for your book. I've got a heap here.

1:10 PM  

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