Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Ra Recovering!

Tuesday. Noon.
I feel much better today and should be able to go back to work tomorrow. Great!

Dr Barry Marshall is to be given the Noble Prize for curing stomache ulcers and I cannot think of anyone I'd rather see getting a few hundred thousand pounds, and his photie in the paper. I had an ulcer for twenty years. At least nine members of my family have suffered from ulcers; three of them falling down in the street with burst ones.

Apparently, you feel the pulsing going up your neck as your vision closes in from the periphery, and then you pass out.

Falling down in the street with a burst ulcer is not good for you.

I got antibiotics about ten years ago and the ulcer was gone. Bye, bye, helicopacter pylori! Just like that. Magic.

One good thing about having an ulcer was that I didn't drink whisky or wine, and stuck to Guinness and home brew. And I couldn't drink more than three nights in a row. This has lengthened the life of my liver, I'm sure. Thank God because it needs to be up for it these days!

I saw Shiva at the weekend. Shiva is very good at hatha yoga, but I don't think he has much time for the Tibetans. Being a Hindu God, maybe that's not surprising. Shiva and I started going to Iyengar Yoga classes when my kid was born, so I've been doing hatha yoga of some sort or other for seventeen years. When I went through the door of the centre up by Holy Corner in Bruntsfield, I told Shiva I wanted these people to teach me how to sit. I wanted to be able to sit in a lotus position to improve my meditations. Shiva wasn't really interested in meditating though I did advertise it as much as possible.

So I was round visiting Shiva. During a lull, I started putting in a couple of vase breaths. Could feel ra bliss arising with some heat straight away. Hard to describe where your head might go, but there's a little bit of transcendence going on here. You can't stop grinning with your eyes becoming a little prominent. Wide open.

This is getting out of your face on air! Soon I should be able to do that anywhere, I hope. Sitting on the bus; during lulls in conversations with flatheids.

I could tell by the way Shiva was looking at me that I am not normal anymore. Who wants to be normal? This is much better. I've been a flatheid. I've got the teeshirt for it.

Just in case anyone is interested in the way into ra bliss, there's some stuff in this post. If you want to find out how not to get an agent, you could go to this post. If you want to read one of my unpublished books, you could go here. There's tons of stuff about buddhism in The Buddha and the Big Bad Wolf.

Though somewhat diseased, still a very fortunate creature!


Blogger Lee Ann said...

Glad your ulcer did not get the best of you. It sounds as though it is very easy for you to get Ra Bliss! Very cool! I don't think I know anyone that is completely normal!

6:03 PM  
Blogger zomba said...

My Dear Hotboy,

The General gave me a bell last night. He is "shootin' the craw" as he put it, within the month, to Godzone, and was wondering if you might be able to row over to Amsterdam Island for a meeting. What shall I tell him?


8:06 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Mingin! Tell the general I am now able to row round the world in no seconds flat. But I will only meet him if he wants to stop being a flatheid. If he wants to be normal though, he wouldn't be this far south. No normal joes or josephines ever get this far. Has he got a gun? I'd like to borrow it to shoot some people over on the other islands. Hope this helps. King Hotboy

9:27 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Mingin! Maybe I got that wrong! Whatever you say. If this is a case for the pet bereavement counselling before the thing has snuffed ....can't be that! But I had to do this once before with an about to die joe, and just fung off, flatheids, is all I can say. Except if he's on the Spliff Island. I think I should go over there just for old times sake anyway except I do not have any money. If you cover the expenses (I may have to have a swally after the spirit restoration juju!)(which will cost you, to be sure!), I'll do it. Actually, I'll do it anyway since I am easily led out of the cave. Thanks for the help from Ifrica! Hotboy p.s. Tell him I'm here to help.

10:37 PM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

HB - I left a brilliantly witty comment here yesterday, but it seems to have got lost in the ether. I'll never be able to recreate it.

If Shiva is the person I think he is, tell him he's welcome to drop in for a beer if he's ever in the area. And could he bring back the empties from the last time?

I didn't know you had an ulcer. You maybe told me at a time when my own ailments outranked yours.

It sounds like the bursting ulcer in the street is the one psychedelic experience you haven't explored.

Did they get you to blow up a silver balloon to test for the bacteria? I did that one. Negative! It's not often I get a negative result. You've got to take them where you can find them.

This week I'm even healthier than you. Mind you, it's only Wednesday.

12:08 AM  

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