Monday, July 25, 2005

Ra Fifth Day!

Read quite a bit of The Way of the White Clouds in the tent last night. Loving this book. Very inspirational. The tent has a lot of the wee bitey entities in it, so you have to passive smoke on the joss stick and have your head covered with your jacket, lying on your side, one arm sticking out. After that, I didn't get to sleep for ages. When you're committed to lying down, it's hard to make a break and sit up again. The fight with the midgies isn't worth it. So you lie with the jacket over your face and wait for sleep. Why am I having a good time?

This morning I was up at six twenty and thought I should feel tired, but I wasn't bad at all. How fast can you get out a tent?

The back temple is quieter than the main place. There is no noise from the air machine or whatever and you only get the tweety birds sometimes. I was in there all morning after the group meditation from eight till nine. Just me and house fly. Twenty minute break for a coffee and I read a wee bit of the Way of the Clouds. Very inspirational, as I said. The boy's guru died and nobody knew for a while. He was still sitting there dead. This British envoy showed up to commiserate with the abbot and was led into the room with the dead guru and the abbot acted as if he was still alive. Wasn't doing the normal rotting. I want to be like that. Of course, probably too old. Be great to snuff it and not rot, still sitting up in a lotus. They could stick you in the museum in Chambers Street with a sign round your neck saying, Still Skeptical. Dead body art!

What about the meditations? Tons of bliss of course and some heat. Went to the back temple for a wee kip after lunch and crashed out on the floor for half an hour. Weird. Just a normal kip! Anyway, then I heard the gongs and went next door to hear the Big Indian doing the chanting. Stared at a light for an hour. Great when you can fix your eyes on something and you know your gaze will just stay there. Thought of the navel symbol and I got hot just sitting there. I tried a technique I got from Govinda when I was in Nepal, I think. You wait till the symbol seems hot and them move it up. Ten years ago I practised this for a bit and then abandoned it because it was too hard. Couldn't get the symbols fixed at all. A wee bit better today.

Went back into the back temple when that finished and meditated for another effortless hour. There's no problem getting tons of bliss as long as my concentration keeps up.

Sorted out the intrusive thoughts. The only thing not perfect in this perfect world is me. I told myself how wonderful all these wonderful human beings were. Transform the crap. Seemed to work, but they'll be back sometime. Your thoughts don't seem to just go away. There are impressions. Sit for long enough and all kinds of stuff comes up. But you can put in new impressions of course.

Vase breathing: You take a big breath, swallow, squeeze from the top and bottom round the chakra symbol and let go. Went straight into the zone this morning several times and a bit this afternoon. Vase breathing is probably highly dangerous. I did it probably before I should have, but I don't care. I should have been dead two years ago! Just getting the symbol there is hard enough. Get empowerments and get a guru if you're going to mess with this.

Reading about Tomo Geshe, the guru of Govinda, makes you think. These folk from Tibet are doing something amazing here. I overheard someone saying a joe was away to the Holy Isle for a four year retreat. That's more than a morning in the back of the temple with a housefly. I felt a real urge to do this stuff. I can't go away for three or four years, but I can take to the allotment for a while! Anyway, I'm totally enthused. And on the fifth day, Hotboy started landing on the money! These next two days will just fly. I'm really loving this. Who knows what the evening will bring! Heat and light and bliss. I'm so happy I can do this juju, or at least, that it's beginning to work better. What a fortunate, fortunate creature I am!!


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