Monday, May 23, 2005

Ra Going Away!

My bags are packed. I'm ready to go. I've had two spectacular meditations since the last blog. Last night in the temple and this morning. I have millions of people to thank for this, of course. Not just the Kagyu masters and a thousand odd years of lineage holders, but the guys who built the temple, work in the kitchens, the bus driver who brought me here. In a way, I'm just the lucky bugger who got ra bliss at the end.

Sometimes things seem totally appropriate in their time. Last night in the tent I was reading Gopi's book by candlelight (hello, Sensei! The light isn't too bad if you get your face right up to the page!). I got to the bit where he describes the total nightmare he got into after his kundalini arousal. There are three "tubes" (which aren't there!) and his kundalini went up the right one which is described as red. Anybody who wants to try doing this juju without any help and just from the books should read this book!! You don't need a guru for most things, but after I had the experience (not quite in Gopi's league!) last night in the temple, I was very pleased that I took empowerments and that the great Kagyu masters are now among us in Scotland. It's just very reassuring that they're there.

I spoke the gatekeeper of Nirvana a couple of minutes ago as I was leaving. I has hit my site!! I told him about it the last time I was leaving.

A sweet moment: a nun I don't know spoke to me as I was coming there (three chats in three days! What a blabbermouth!) She said she liked my tai chi. Between showers, before the stupa. My tai chi isn't really very good. I can pose with the best of them!

I'll have to remember that I owe everything to the common man and confine my flatheid comments to my deep dear friends who should know better. Allah Akbar! Haste ye back, Hotboy!


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