Thursday, December 07, 2006

Ris Excellent Day!

Thursday 8:35 p.m.
I didn't have to do any stuff. Somebody unexpectedly delivered a record player (how retro can you get!), but apart from that it was meditating from 9:15 a.m., making bread, going to the allotment, digging, shadow boxing, bathing, blissing, blissing, and more blissing! Oh, ra bliss, ra bliss, ra bliss!

Some people come to this bloggy to get insulted. I try not to upset the creatures from outer space (we know you're out there!), Masai warriors, and spam robots other than Jack, but everyone else is fair game, especially the folk looking for hotboys and wet teeshirt competitions. They just drift in from flatheid central.

Conventional buddhisty people might look askance at the way I blog about flatheids, but if it wasn't for flatheids, I'd be in blinking heaven. It's flatheidedness that fungs everything up. I don't want to gain enlightenment for the sake of all sentient flatheids. I want the sentient flatheids to bail moi out. I mean, moi, moi, moi! Anyway, here's a checklist for flatheidedness. See how you score. Flatheids ...

1) ...walk around with their heads stuck up their bottoms and don't even know, or care. For the philosophically minded, flatheids are the ones in the cave looking at the wall and thinking that was all there was. This is Plato, by the way. What a guy! And another cave! Someone turns round at one point and sees the world outside. I can't remember what happens next. He probably turns back to tell the flatheids and they crucify him, or something like that.

2) ... don't realise that Jesus Christ was just another joe, who could walk on water and raise the dead. Why can't they do that? Flatheids completely lack ambition.

3) ... can't sit. This is not an impossible task. You put your flatheid in a room with no seats or couches and they can't sit. They can't sit straight. On the floor, they are immediately uncomfortable. Even on wimpy cushions, they look awkward. We're not talking about running, or jumping here. This is just sitting. Sitting with a straight back. Sitting up. Flatheids can't sit! How pathetic do you want to get?

4) .... sometimes say really stupid things like, "I'll never change." Or, "You haven't changed a bit!" Never get moi saying something like that, unless it's just for fun. Flatheids think they are the same person as the person they used to be. Flatheids, in this respect, will be the same as the first robots, the ones that don't work very well. You can't change. Your batteries can run out. You don't interact. You are not interdependant, in terms of developing consciousness. You are an absolute. An absolute flatheid!

5) .... think they are the same person as they were when they were younger. You're not the same person tomorrow. You're not the same person today. You can't waggle your foot around as the same person even once.

6) ... think they're going to die.

7) .... never think about thinking.

8) .... believe in things.

9) .... especially thoughts! It's what you're thinking that counts, Jack. The kind of thoughts that arise. Would it be better if better thoughts arose? I think it would. Can you do anything about that, Jack? No, you can't because you are a fung flatheid!

10) ... think they know stuff. They don't see the view as partial. They have certainties. This stops them enjoying the world. Be amused! Be very amused!

Well, that's it for flatheids from me tonight, Jack. How did you score? Ten out of ten. Well done!

How's about the spontaneously arising, solitary realising foe destroyer? They say, if there's no juju, and no dharma, and no nothing except medieval torturings all round, then these joes and josephines still arise. It's maybe just one of them human beingy things. Ionetics thinks she maybe gets some spontaneous intimations of ra bliss, at least! Oh, ra bliss, ra bliss, ra bliss!

Does anyone just get born and have immediate more or less, (how fortunate that would be!) access to ra bliss? Well, Mozart got born. Of course! Everything is possible if you don't believe in anything. Ra bliss is just arising. Oh, ra bliss, ra bliss, ra bliss!


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Hotters. Here is your web manager's first report (summary only).

Your blog page tries to open a popup, possibly to do with your use of webring, whatever that is. Perhaps it's to do with your pet bereavement activities. My browser doesn't open popups, it just reports their attempt to open.

This is no big deal. Just letting you know in case anyone else mentions it.

For the full report, please send a cheque to the usual place.

10:19 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

The good thing about flatheids is it's always comeone else's fault.

10:20 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Dearie dearie me.

10:22 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Apart from myself, whom have you ever insulted here?

1) Is the Jesus complex to be a permanent feature here? That could help.

3) Unlike George Clooney, who has a dodgy back, I can sit up straight. Yet I'm a flatheid. How do you explain that?

4) Some roundheids' musical taste hasn't changed a bit. How do you explain that?

8) Sometimes even I believe in the bliss.

9) Without thinking, how does one define "better"?

10:30 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Here's the next money-making scheme, it came to me in a flash of inspiration while reading this post. A web site called something like, that automatically displays a wee icon showing the blogger's state of intoxication in each post. That would help.

10:33 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Inflating your comment count, it's all par of the service.

10:34 AM  
Blogger ion said...

In the US, if you get caught drunk-driving the authorities install a breathalyzer linked to the transmission in your car. I'd like one of those intoxometers on my PC too. I believe that I've been mildly insulted here, but then I can't know whether my short blissettes were anything HB's 'real thing'. Plus some were pharmacologically aided, and that seems to be against the rules.

7:41 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil! "Your blog page tries to open a popup". This is getting a bit technical, isn't it? Us civilians didny ken whit yon means, Adolf! But can I sue? That would help. Hotboy
p.s. 1) I'm making up my own J. Christ. He's a work in progress.
2) Of course, Germans can sit up straight. I should have remembered all that achtung stuff!
3a) How did you do on the breathalyzer thing then? Did it go nee naw, nee naw, send for the restraints!
Ion: Pharmacologically adjusted bliss is almost traditional in this juju. Bliss is bliss. I can only ever think of it in terms of what kind of hit it is. But there are obvious problems with the pharmacologically induced blissiness. You can't repeat it without the supporting chemicals, and it just seems to happen, and you've little control really. Anyway, all pleasures are a tiny slice off the great big pillar of ra bliss which you might one day be able to inhabit at will if you meditate enough. Ra bliss is human like all the other hits and misses!As a sensation shouldn't it be based on hormonal/chemical/electrical, etc balances and proportions? Would it be possible to analyse it sufficiently well to make it into a pill? The whole flatheid problem solved in a couple of weeks!

8:22 PM  
Blogger ion said...

Dearie, dearie me. I think the pharmacological possibility was explored before in a plan to put LSD in the New York water supply, but bliss was not the expected outcome. Or was that a conspiracy theory?

Obviously controllable, self-indiced bliss is a much better idea, but I am born lazy. How many years of meditation has it taken for you to have occasional access to ra bliss? This meditation lark seems to take an inordinate amount of time and effort, and we westerners want instant gratification.

Anyway, wanted to let you know that I'm planning to buy bird feeders as Xmas presents for some of my dear ones. In January, you should be able to nick one back either from Comiston or California. Hope that helps.

12:42 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Ion: I really liked meditating right from the start. I don't know how long it would take to get down to ra bliss. I didn't know about ra bliss when I started, but I started hitting it when I started doing it three times a day, usually getting a lot of light on the third one, the evening one. Anyway, I knew meditating would improve my state of mind year on year. A five percent improvement is good. Because you might live for a few years. Nothing else self generated can do that. Only folk who think they could do with some improvement should bother. Perfect folk don't need it! Hope this helps! Hotboy.
p.s. It's that driving away from Carnegie Hall moment when the jazz musician turns to his friend and says: I'm glad we kept practising!

6:26 PM  
Blogger zomba said...

I say!

For goodness sakes, I hope you don't start tagging people to list 10 reasons why they dislike flatheids.


8:09 PM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

That figures. I don't need the bliss and I'm perfect.

11:11 AM  

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