Sunday, October 09, 2005

Ra Incoming and Ra bliss

Sunday 4 p.m.
One of these days every cell in my body will be bursting with ra bliss. It said it in this book I read about ra bliss some time ago. I've just sat down and the thing that creepeth upith is crawling all over my upper body. Close my eyes and I sink into ra bliss! I really don't deserve this. All I did was switch from ale to Grolsch, a beer from Spliffland, I think.

An unexpected visitor appeared in the kitchen last night. The daughter. She's got keys. First thing you know she's standing there. Such was the meditations during the day that I was looking forward to raising heat last night, but I cancelled that till this evening. We got a DVD and I bought some Grolsch instead.

The movie is called Evil and is a foreign language film by a guy called Hafstorm. Reminded me of Adolf because it was about a lad at the private school run by nazis. Usually, I watch movies with my noiseblockers on and my eyes rollled up, especially ones with names like Evil, but it was very engaging. Most enjoyable evening.

Earlier on Brian Wilson showed up was a wee phallic cactus called Trichocereus Peruvianus. He'd found out that it was a hallucogenic variety and wanted it out of his castle in case he gobbled it up after a few swigs of the pink, sticky stuff. He gets enough bother with the pink elephants as it is. Being a cactus, it doesn't grow very fast. But fast forward ten years and the big black bird will fly out of the three suns and swoop into my heart for a wee look around. Can't wait!

After watching a movie about a private school, I checked out Adolf's blog this morning and .... there's a photie of a private school, the one Tony Blair went to. If your parents have got an extra £23,000 a year, you can go there too.

Then I sat in the lobby and couldn't believe ra bliss. The exceptional, extraordinary bliss. Sometimes I can't believe my luck. You get pissed and you still get blissed! I'm away to the allotment just now for some cabbage leaves for the soup. I might blog later on to tell you some more about ra bliss!!


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

You might as well tell us some more about the cabbage leaves.

Thanks for the 2 pluhs in one post, not that I expect any increase in readership. I value quality above quantity, and am very happy with the select audience I get already. Troopers every one.

I watch TV lying flat on my back, with a special pair of prismatic glasses that bend the TV emanations through 90 degrees. It means there's no need to twist my neck to view. It's twisted enough as it is, a perfect match for the rest of me. And everyone in the room thinks you're staring at the ceiling or fast asleep, so they don't bother talking to you. This might help you. Would the Evil film help me too?

12:03 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...


12:16 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Zeig! The Evil movie might be too late for you. A bit like Tom Brown's Schooldays meets Fight Club. Good wee movie. You'll need more help than that! Hotboy

11:20 AM  
Blogger Lee Ann said...

what about those cabbage leaves? :)

11:15 PM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Please don't keep the cabbage story to yourself any longer. Have you heard of the public right to know? You wouldn't get away with it in the U.S. or Oz, where they have Freedom of Information legislation.

Does this help? I'm glad.

11:59 PM  

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