Sunday, August 07, 2005

Rat Uplift!

Almost gave up blogging for a week there! Hope for us all!

1002 Masai Warriors and robots have hit this blog since the blogpatrol thing was put on in March. It's had 3038 hits.

Robert Dudley from the Elizabethan era said he will read Light in the Dark. He says he'll do it after next week when he gets back from holiday. Can't say fairer than that.

After being two weeks on holiday, I feel like I've been in a train wreck! I went on holiday for a couple of days to Skye. Hope this week to give up everything again and get back into the juju.

Managed to read a bit more of The Way of the White Clouds by Anagarika Govinda. Though I try not to believe in anything, his account of Tomo Geshe's rebirth is a bit convincing. Just in case .... Brian Wilson has had to go!

Brian's demise was a blessed relief for almost everyone who knew him, but he went out just the way he would have liked. There he was propping up the bar as usual, his dentures placed handily by his elbow in case he felt like chewing on a pig's face later on. He'd been warned many times not to try sniffing the sticky pink stuff up the straw, but it seems a possible new route for the alcohol to enter his body was too much to resist. Of course, his brain exploded. He's to be buried with his creekit stick and his surf board. The chimp will play the last post.

I don't think the bit between being dead and getting reborn is very nice for some people, especially those who don't meditate. I'll look out the Book of the Dead and find out.

A twelve year old asked me to show her how to meditate last night. That was nice.


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