Thursday, August 18, 2005

Ra Creekit!

It's damp and overcast. It will rain. The creekiters will not come out in Scotland in case they get their blouses damp. What a truly stupid game that is! Apparently, this afternoon I'll be able to take Brian Wilson in his goldfish bowl down to watch the spectators get pissed in the beer tent. So that's why folk go to watch creekit!

The sensei has posted the photie of his future assassin. This old southern gentleman has wall eyes. Best "Don't fung with me" photie for a while.

I had a very nice awakening this morning. We were out late at an Amnesty Benefit. Got ra bliss with some images of the lama and a demonstration of loss of self. That was before I was properly awake! Why you have to be unconscious when you're asleep beats me. You must miss lots of good stuff.

Workman hammer on the scaffolding outside the window looking onto the street. I'm going into the lobby with my wee statue and the sticker with the kalachakra mandala on it. Ra bliss awaits. So does the phone!


Blogger Heather said...

Ah..creekit...I thought you meant creekit...of the bugtown variety...ah...forgot which continent I am on for a minute there. Vertigo. Where am I? Am I where?

11:18 AM  

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