Thursday, September 07, 2006

Rem Foundations!

Thursday 1:30 p.m.
Tis a sunny day here in Edinburgh town. Now that I don't have a book to write and there are no engagements with flatheids looming over my extended weekend, I should get serious about the juju. There are some thoughts that are supposed to help you turn towards the juju, things like considering the preciousness of human existence, it's uncertainty, karma and another one I can't remember. So I've got to think of stuff today to help improve my discipline.

Someone leading a life of quiet heroism came to see me last night. So his wife is in the final stages of multiple sclerosis. This means this person is totally dependant and has difficulty in communicating at all. We talked about mental deterioration. He came in from the garden and found her very upset and kind of hysterical. There is an alert gadget round her neck and the joe was just twenty feet away, but she'd forgotten she had the gadget and thought she'd been abandoned. Fung sake!

Thank God I'm not a flatheid!!

My auld maw goes to a day centre twice a week. It's full of demented people, but she'd not demented and neither was her old friend of 93. The old friend came into the centre one day very distressed. She couldn't sleep the night before due to pains in her chest caused by her lungs filling with fluid. She knew she was starting to die. She was very distressed. Even at 93 she was very distressed at the thought of dying.

You don't want that mind, Jack. You really don't. What you get if you don't meditate, Jack, is grief, sorrow, lamentations ...suffering in this life!

I spent the morning in the lobby. Oh, ra bliss, ra bliss, ra bliss! This afternoon I'll spend in the allotment and if the rain stays off, I'll dig up some tatties to take to my auld maw tomorrow. Two weeks ago, I told her she should meditate more after I'd sank into ra bliss while she sang The Fields of Athenry. She said she meditates all the time. My maw is pretty disabled and housebound really. "Whit dae ye think Ah dae all day?" she says. "Stare at the four walls?" How my heart sang when I heard her saying that! Just an elementary education, but not too dumb to meditate.

What can you do about flatheids? Not much. Some cats got it; some cats aint!

5:51 p.m.
Had a lovely afternoon in the allotment! Ate quite a few raspberries while I was there. There are two kinds of raspberries. Not a lot of people know that! The bushes are full of those that come into season in September. I've meditated for about five hours today so far. Oh, ra bliss, ra bliss, ra bliss!

00:20 a.m.
At the end of a fabulous day! Until just before ten when Shiva rang me up, all I'd said was thank you, I will have a wee bag. To the man in the shop. I sat in the lobby this evening for a couple of hours.

In my ambit, there are no more fortunate creatures! How can you be a more fortunate creature than a Hotboy, who can surf the oceans of ra bliss? Who can sit in the hut and be happy? Who can watch a fire burn and think: How wonderful to be able to sit here and watch the fire and do ra bliss! I've started to come out the hut this summer and sit outside, and do ra bliss. Confidence increases. Or I don't care.

I think associating yourself with the impermanent and temporary is not a good thing. Associating your self with a deity must be an interesting space to put your self in. Associating your self with ra bliss, ra bliss which has blown away the perameters (?) of physicality... well, Jack, even a flatheid like you should be able to see the virtue of that.

It's night night from RaBlissBlog at the end of a truly wonderful day!


Blogger ion said...

Not being facetious here. Can you have ra bliss if not in control of your mental faculties? Can 'simple' folk get there?

4:11 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Ion: I don't know! I think to meditate you have to be able to focus, but repetitive singing or chanting seems to work for some people. I'm by no means an expert in any of this. I just know what happens to me. However, St Joseph of Cupertino seems to have been a bit thick and was a renowned floater. Anagarika Govinda in the Way of the White Clouds said his guru Tomo Geshe zapped ra bliss into anyone who touched him. How smart do you have to be to repeat a simple mantra? And maybe combine it with a bit of repetitive rocking back and forth. Interesting question though! I suppose you'd need enough smarts to have the will and have some kind of attention span, but I wouldn't like to say one way or another. Hotboy

6:58 PM  
Blogger keda said...

nummy...rasberries. the lets make em all the time. not real ones, just rude ones..i prefer the real ones myself though.

great news below about the email and the book n stuff.

i'd love to read it if you send it..but i'm not sure when i'll get time... thats what happens with rasberry blowing rudelets underfoot sadly... when its printed it'll be easier as i can then grab it and run, but on the old comp i'm sorta at their mercy.

8:05 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Keda: I'm not too sure if you want me to send it or not! It'll never be published, so if it's printed, you'd have to do that yourself. I'll check your blog and see if there's an email address. I'm a wee bit ... well, it's not your usual novel really, and if you'd read Are You Boys Cyclists? ... just don't want to waste your time! Do you read a lot? I don't read novels hardly at all these days. No time. Anyway, I'll check your bloggy. Hotboy

10:41 PM  
Blogger Lee Ann said...

I am sad for the people that have to go through those illnesses.
Hope you get the bliss of all bliss Hotboy!

2:05 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Lee Ann: It makes me want to run away and hide! I think I'm better with my own suffering than other people's. Best not to dwell on the downside maybe. Hotboy

9:23 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

I can vouch for you being better with your own suffering than other people's. I don't need one of rem alert gadgets, I know I've been abandoned and I don't care.

Days without talking to anyone are great. Some people have to join an order to achieve that.

11:10 AM  

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